220g Starphire:LED:4 sided viewable: with a Basement Sump

I like having my tank in its own room, no distraction from the TV. I also don't like putting tanks right in front of windows. The extra complication of keeping the tank glass next to the window clean, and keeping the window glass next to the tank clean is not worth the hassle.

2nd choice seems like a natural to me.
I would vote to put it where you and your family spend most of your time...All the others are just challenges to overcome...

I had tanks outside of where we spend most of our time and they did not get appreciated as much as the ones where the most time is spent. Right now, the reef is in the family room where the tv, fireplace and open to the kitchen. I find myself watching it more than the tv. If I am working in the kitchen, I look at the tank... I even find the kids (4 and 2) regularly migrate over to see what they can find. It great in the family space. My two cents? What is opposite the window wall?
I agree with dbsam. Where you spend the most time will be the best option. We had a tank in a room we never used and the only time we spent in there was just to feed the fish and take care of the tank. Now that we have it in our tv room, we are always watching it as much as the tv.
If you go with Option #1 by the window I would get rid of the couch and move the tank inwards, away from the window, a foot or two. A well designed seating arrangement in the room would allow for always looking at the tank, which is, needless to say, the most important object in the room.

Otherwise, I would go with Option #2 where the seating arrangement is already optimized for tank viewing.

I have to say the sitting room (front room). This will keep your family room opened up and feel larger. I also think that the stand is very nice. You did a very good job on it. I do not like the idea of hiding it with the couch. I like how you can see the whole thing when you look into the room.... Stand... Tank.... Fish... Coral... the whole nine yards. It also makes for something rather dramatic as soon as you enter your home.
Got another option will send Picts tomorrow ... Thanks everyone ... The joist in option 2 run parallel with the tank as well I was wrong earlier.. Option 3 is another wall in the sitting room ... I will send out some Picts tomorrow Mabe a video as well ...
Here is a quick video --- sorry its so dark .. took it very early this am (i didnt want to wake up the kids or wife with lights - Sorry the house is a mess... cleaning up from halloween .. this should give you a understanding of the different locations - the Stand is sitting in option 3 - the Floor joist in option 2 run parallel to the tank (i was wrong earlier).... so option 3 they run perpendicular so it will be much easier to build a support wall ( prob just frame a closet with a header for support (again not looking to finish basement anytime soon - or ever... option 3 has another benefit (there is a return vent right behind the tank - might be able to get all my piping down that hole - and still have the ac return stay there .... ( i have to figure that one out )

My Wife and I have decided that the tank will just take up too much room in in option 1 - although we would love to have it in a area that we are watching tv ... cooking ... - we feel that it will bring us into this room more often .... since I have purchased an ipad actually i have two one for work and one for pleasure- I have been reading more than i have my whole life ... mostly read business book/leadership skills ect.. but now I am reading more and more history (btw VOTE TODAY!) so I couldn't think of a better area to just chill ...


Here are some still shots as well of option 3




View from Stand:


View from outside front door ...


Thanks Everyone !!!! whatcha Think ...
Option #3 looks like you will be able to dedicate that room to quiet tank watching (what could be more important?), while keeping it out of the main traffic areas, which is good for the tank's inhabitants.

Option 3 seems to be a great spot for your tank, out of the main traffic area yet viewable from your dinner room also. It will definitely be an attention getter from anyone coming to your front door.

As far as floor support, if you don't want to build a support wall, you can always use one of these adjustable support poles in the basement. I used a short one in my crawl space as my tank is also in the middle of the house. BTW, this is not my house. Just borrowed the picture from somewhere.
Thanks Simonskl

That is a good option quick and easy ...

Update on my hammerhead gold pump ... Received the replacement seal and installed it ... Took about 15 mins or so .. Ran the pump for 10 mins or so ... No leak !
I agree... So unless i hear any objections ...:lmao: I think that the tank will go there -

I have to head out of town for work for a few days - I hopefully will get some news soon on the Tank... this weekend I will see if I can get the stand 100% painted except for the doors which I still need to build ...

I am going to have my electrician move that Light that is above the tank or would you leave it ... I can point the light on the Canopy - (once it's built :)

getting closer .... as soon as the tank gets here i should be able to move quickly ....
I wold go with option three..... LIke it......... On another note... The midget with the bowl is freaking me out.
It's a return (sucking air) .... You thinking salt air hitting the ac unit causing
Some issues? I have access underneath to move or change it ... I was going to try and use that hole to run my supply and drain lines as well .....

I don't expect there to be any humidity issues upstairs ... However in the basement
I am installing a air to air exchanger
Well, from my "little" knowledge of an HVAC unit, I have always heard that you never want to block the "return" vents.
You can always move the return to a different area, with flex duct, simple and very easy. As long as its is the same size pipe.