220g Starphire:LED:4 sided viewable: with a Basement Sump

We had a couch there for years ... No issues ... We have many returns on the 1st floor. Plus the stand will be off the wall and not right up against it ...really don't want to move it
Quick Update :

Braced the Floor - with a couple 2x10 sandwiched between a couple 2x4

here the pict - Added a couple kick outs as well the post are rated for 9000lbs each - picked them up at the big box store -


Started to cooking the rock - bought a 100g rubbermaid bin from a local farm supply store - ASM skimmer is running as well ...



I am thinking of changing my plumbing and add the 100g rubbermaid to my System - this will give me more water volume and more live rock in the fish room instead of tank - I could have the sump drain into the Rubbermaid bin and then out to the Tank/UV/Manifold/Refugium - there is already a bulkhead drilled in the rubbermaid - what you guys think?? (40g refug is down in the pict - adding some 4mil plastic to keep the Insulation dry and from falling into system -
Getting Closer - Starting to sand the black paint so the gold will show through -
Picked up a UV today to plumb into the system as well - I will get some better shots of everything once i get closer to being done - for now you are stuck with phone camera-


In progress- adding some more black to cover Gold -

I am really glad that we found this area for the tank ... It is a perfect place for it ...

what is left -
Build Raised panel doors -
Run Drain lines (herbie method)
Run Return line 1.5 inch and then split under stand and then to Loc Line- (ran over back of tank) Returns left Right and Center
Run Romax runs from tank to fish room (APEX) - at least 3 runs (lights, and two additional for future additions at the DT Auto feeder for vacation etc...)
Order lights - 4 or 5 AI (prob start with 4)
Order VDM for Apex
Order WXM for Apex to control Vortechs
Water Test (once Tank gets here
Build Canopy (deciding how tall once Tank gets here ) AI can be mounted very high with plenty of par to spare - helps with spotlighting -
Aquascape (rock is cooking now)
Great looking build, tagging along. Your giving me some great ideas for what I'll be going through in the next month. I think your going to enjoy having a dedicated room for the tank.

Nice tank and set-up but this little dude scared the crap outta me just lookin at the dark picture:hmm2: I couldn't have that thing in my house!!! I would be worried about it coming alive and getting me in my sleep! I guess I have watched too many leprechaun movies!!!
you think i can work him into the aquascape.... his eyes even move ... could be a great effect....... :lmao:


I think i paid 5 bucks for him many years ago at a cvs after halloween clearance sale -

my dogs get freaked out every time we bring him out....
you think i can work him into the aquascape.... his eyes even move ... could be a great effect....... :lmao:


I think i paid 5 bucks for him many years ago at a cvs after halloween clearance sale -

my dogs get freaked out every time we bring him out....

Dude I almost jumped out of my seat when I scrolled down and saw that thing upclose!!! Damn you!!!:D
Nice build. Great craftsmanship. I love the stand. Your fish room is just amazing. I love it. I wish my wife was as understanding. Great spot for the tank. Looking forward to seeing this one get completed.
Thanks everyone!!!

Question for you guys .... When I mix salt into the bottom 150g
Container and let it mix for a couple days with a powerhead. It is measuring 8.0ph
I would like for this to be at 8.3 or so .
My qt tank is at 8.0 as well ...

What is the best way to get my mixing container ph up
I will be doing continuous waterchanges automatically
On the reef system and doing manual waterchanges
On the qt tank ... It would be nice not to have to keep putting buffer in

Would a airstone help on my mixing station ... The water is getting stirred pretty good
With a powerhead in there

Thanks everyone
I wouldn't worry about your Ph especially if it is at 8.0 my Ph used to flucuate between 8.1-8.2 during the day and 7.8-7.9 at night. Now that I have implemented a reverse photoperiod with my DT and refugium it stays at a constant 8.2(salifert). My Alk is also 10, Ca is 420, and mag is 1320-1350 depending on how long it has been since I did a water change. I only dose Iodine daily (about 2.5ml or 24 drops), Kent essential trace elements once a week and stronium&molybdenum once every 4-5 days.
This Arrived today -



HRV - this should take care of any humidity issues down in the basement -
Mold is nothing i want to mess around with !

anyone using HRV?
A great tank build starts with the right tools. I noticed all your Dewalt tools in your pics... =) I'm going Sunday to pickup my 6 piece 18v Dewalt tool set. After that I'll save up for the double compound sliding miter saw... then I'll be ready to start my 240 cube project =)
you mean this - Get the stand as well - its a great Saw makes trim work a lot easier - the Laser attachment works very well


Scraps anyone ...... what was that cut twice then measure :p

almost to the point i can start to clean up the piles of saw dust -
Nice saw I could take up the whole living room with all the Dewalt tools in our garage. Its a shame that 8 years ago someone wiped out or tool shed completely with about 30k worth of Dewalt tools in it.:( Slowly rebuilt from there, not quite as many as we used to have, but my dad has that same table saw and similar stand.
So I found out this weekend .... the tank is still 4 week out ....
I am bummed but at least I have plenty of time to run all the drain and supply lines and finish up the plumbing of the sump area -

Some more progress made this weekend on the Fish Room -
Installed the HRV/Air to Air Exchanger- Drilled the 6inch holes to the outside - all I need to do now is get my 2 external vents - should be here this week -

here are some shots of the unit - the two left vents are connected - need to pick up a couple odds and ends for the HD to connect the other two vents -


the room is a mess sorry -

Plumbed in the UV off the manifold just above the 1st Sump - I will send the discharge to the Skimmer area- you can't tell but i have a ball valve that controls the flow from the hammerhead- the UV is the 57w Aqua Ultraviolet

you can also see the Overflow from the Refug (still need to brace the pvc pipe- This will also discharge in the skimmer area-


Here some quick picts of the QT tank - everyone is doing well and eating a ton ! I am proactively treating with Paraguard (I am at day 4 of 10 day treatment) all the Fish are juvinile (except for clown) so plenty of growing to do - sorry need to wipe down glass - once i get some nice lighting on these guys I will pull out the SLR -



The Apex Command Center - Still programing all the outlets - all the cables will be in a bundle once i get everything installed -
the apex will control the QT tank as well as the DT (obviously) I also will hook up the HRV/Water bugs/ and any thing else that in attached to the Tank - I ran a outlet just above the Apex - This is attached to a GFI across the room - I have ran a USB cable upstairs to control another energybar that will run the light (led) Vortech's (3) and any other future additions - (sea swirls..auto feeders (vacation) - I have several more Modules coming this week (ordered the PM1 (this will run the QT tank) PM2 this will Give me the Salinity of the system as well as another Temp port for holding tank- and the WXM this will control my Vortech's) this module will hook into the aquabus on the energybar upstairs. I will order the VDM soon that will give me total control over the AI LED's - Waiting on ordering these until I get closer to delivery of the tank....


As always please give me feedback /suggestions/ d