So I found out this weekend .... the tank is still 4 week out ....
I am bummed but at least I have plenty of time to run all the drain and supply lines and finish up the plumbing of the sump area -
Some more progress made this weekend on the Fish Room -
Installed the HRV/Air to Air Exchanger- Drilled the 6inch holes to the outside - all I need to do now is get my 2 external vents - should be here this week -
here are some shots of the unit - the two left vents are connected - need to pick up a couple odds and ends for the HD to connect the other two vents -
the room is a mess sorry -
Plumbed in the UV off the manifold just above the 1st Sump - I will send the discharge to the Skimmer area- you can't tell but i have a ball valve that controls the flow from the hammerhead- the UV is the 57w Aqua Ultraviolet
you can also see the Overflow from the Refug (still need to brace the pvc pipe- This will also discharge in the skimmer area-
Here some quick picts of the QT tank - everyone is doing well and eating a ton ! I am proactively treating with Paraguard (I am at day 4 of 10 day treatment) all the Fish are juvinile (except for clown) so plenty of growing to do - sorry need to wipe down glass - once i get some nice lighting on these guys I will pull out the SLR -
The Apex Command Center - Still programing all the outlets - all the cables will be in a bundle once i get everything installed -
the apex will control the QT tank as well as the DT (obviously) I also will hook up the HRV/Water bugs/ and any thing else that in attached to the Tank - I ran a outlet just above the Apex - This is attached to a GFI across the room - I have ran a USB cable upstairs to control another energybar that will run the light (led) Vortech's (3) and any other future additions - (sea feeders (vacation) - I have several more Modules coming this week (ordered the PM1 (this will run the QT tank) PM2 this will Give me the Salinity of the system as well as another Temp port for holding tank- and the WXM this will control my Vortech's) this module will hook into the aquabus on the energybar upstairs. I will order the VDM soon that will give me total control over the AI LED's - Waiting on ordering these until I get closer to delivery of the tank....
As always please give me feedback /suggestions/ d