225 gallon stocking

Caleb Kruse

New member
I just picked up this 225 gallon acrylic tank http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1140278 for $500! I am so excited about setting it up. It will be a mixed reef tank. Fish wise what do you think I should put in it. I already have a Regal Blue Tang, 2 Occelaris Clowns, and a Fairy wrasse. What should I put in it. I would love to have a purple and powder blue tang, but I'm not sure about fighting. So all that to say, give me your suggestions for stocking a 225 reef.
Re: 225 gallon stocking

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10176369#post10176369 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Caleb Kruse
I just picked up this 225 gallon acrylic tank http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1140278 for $500! I am so excited about setting it up. It will be a mixed reef tank. Fish wise what do you think I should put in it. I already have a Regal Blue Tang, 2 Occelaris Clowns, and a Fairy wrasse. What should I put in it. I would love to have a purple and powder blue tang, but I'm not sure about fighting. So all that to say, give me your suggestions for stocking a 225 reef.

I know most people told you to introduce all the tang in at the same time but I found that if you introduce powder blue first then the purple tang would be better.
I would have to agree with Bui... I have both in my tank and the purple was first. needless to say he wasnt to happy about his new tank mate after being the only tang for over a year! Good luck. :spin3:
Thanks guys, what do you think for other fish in there. I'm thinking that some anthia's would be nice, and maybe a yellow tang? What other fish would you put in there. It's 8 feet long so that should help.
Ive always wanted to do a wrasse reef..(with other inhabitants of course:D )... Mabe a anthias tank.. no no no i got it Agressive reef with anglers, dwarf lions and a dwarf golden moray..:lmao: just some ideas.
i put my purple and powder blue in around the same time. Which ever is smaller should go in first.

as for ur fish stocking....if you want to do fairy wrasses make sure you have a good cover. i had a couple jump through eggrate. No idea how they did it, but they did.

i have a 225 and my current fish list is...
1 regal angel
1 vlamingi tang
1 powder blue tang
1 purple tang
1 mystery wrasse
1 rosy scaled wrasse
3 chromis
1 allardi clown
1 tomato clown
1 midas blenny
1 neon goby

i think that's it.

good luck on the new setup.