225 Leemar Euro Brace upgrade

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles but at the same time makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one to have issues like that, I lost a few to either a temp spike or possibly a nitrate spike, my skimmer decided to just stop working and I didnt notice for 2 weeks! Thankfully most of mine are still frags except for my only colony of rose milli, which I have now fraged to try to save it...

I think everyone go thou this, just like life. I am still trying to lower down the nitrate. It is still showing around 50 ppm....
nitrate 50ppm
alk 8.6
po4 0
ca 480

some corals are still showing signs of RTN, some corals are growing. I have been changing 20 gallon of water every 3 days. Corals dying is getting old....... I really need a large water change to lower the Nitrate once for all.
Sorry to here you are still having problems. I really don't know what I am talking about here, but :) I have been reading about these nitrate reducing pellets that some people are using in reactors to help in curbing nitrates in their tanks. Have you thought about trying these out. Seems like your tank would be a good test of this product, unless you are already using it.
Sorry to here you are still having problems. I really don't know what I am talking about here, but :) I have been reading about these nitrate reducing pellets that some people are using in reactors to help in curbing nitrates in their tanks. Have you thought about trying these out. Seems like your tank would be a good test of this product, unless you are already using it.

Thanks, I am thinking about it. But I am going to wait another 10 plus days, see if the deep sand bed will do its trip.
3rd day since started biopellets, bacteria bloom is causing the display tank looking hazy. Hopefully this will solve the problem of the NO3 and the PO4. It should solve the cyano problem also.

After this, I am going to do another dosage of interceptor.

Side note, the regal is starting to wreck havoc in the tank. Went away for 2 days, came back and I found that he ate 1/2 of the 20 eyes pink watermelon, finished up a 3 eyes bubble gum monster, took a bit out of miami hurricane and couple of the larger chalice. I had to move most of the chalices to the frag tank, damn it.
6th day into the biopellet era, skimmer is pumping out 1/3 cup a day of waste. Water is now getting clear. 2 SPS died, not sure how much it has to do with the biopellet, however those 2 were healthy prior the biopellet.
still fighting cyano, but nitrate seems to be a problem of past. Lower the ALK also, due to the fact that I am running the biopellets. Any suggestion on getting rid of cyano?
The NO3 is down the around 2 to 5. Added 3 damsels, one bad news. The golden flake from the shallow tank was moved to the large show tank and now he is nipping on all the corals!

Can't find the charger for my canon, took this picture from my phone.
still fighting cyano, but nitrate seems to be a problem of past. Lower the ALK also, due to the fact that I am running the biopellets. Any suggestion on getting rid of cyano?

If you still have some interceptor treatments to go I would wait and battle the cyano after. That stuff causes some serious cyano outbreaks. Have you heard of a bacterial additive called special blend. If not do a little research on it. A lot of people swear by the stuff. Im into week 3 on it and it seems to be helping but its too soon to tell. Good luck and love the tank.