225 Leemar Euro Brace upgrade

Found the problem. High Nitrate. I am going to do some massive water change over the whole week. Added Chempure carbon (at least 300 gallon worth). Lets hope this will stop the rtn.
I've never had rtn from high nitrates? I've had my tank 40-50ppm before. I sure hope its the problem, but just wanted to share my experience.
I've never had rtn from high nitrates? I've had my tank 40-50ppm before. I sure hope its the problem, but just wanted to share my experience.

Hmm.. thanks

I am going to try to get rid of nitrate first. It is up to around 100ppm. I am guessing that I had 2 skimmer cup overflow dirty water into the tank twice. I moved around the rocks in my cryptic zone. It was growing some really nice sponge and I moved it to the display tank. Or maybe the last 2 wild colonies dying causing some problem.
Sorry to hear about your problems, keep us informed as I follow everything about your great looking tank. Frag everything.
Just did a 30 gallon change, I will be doing another 30 in 48 hours. Salinity is pretty stable. Nitrate lowered just a bit. Cut the feeding down to twice a day.
4th days after finding out the high nitrate situation. Today, did another round of 20 gallon of water change. I am prepping for more water change tomorrow. So far, I have done 3 water change and which is about 120 gallon of water. The nitrate is still showing around 100ppm. The next water change will be around another 60 gallon. So far the salinity stays the same and not too much change in term of corals' health. Just lost another 4 year old SPS, bali tricolor.
Just did another round of 25 gallon w/c. It looks like nitrate level is starting to go down. Frag tank is here now to house all those frags I now collect.


30x30x12 rimless acrylic with external overflow. I am planning making it a deep sandbed to prevent nitrate jump again.
The thing that scares me about your problems with your tank,,,, I want to make my up coming new tank an SPS tank and if you are having problems,, with your experience,,,, I would stand no chance of being successful with SPS corals,,, guess my tank will be a softie tank.
Nice frag tank. Sorry to hear about your troubles, hopefully it the nitrates.

Thanks, it looks the tank has turned the corner. Nitrate is down to around 50ppm. I will continue w/c for the next 2 weeks. I should be able to set up the frag tank by end of June. Planned to be a deep sand bed set up.
The thing that scares me about your problems with your tank,,,, I want to make my up coming new tank an SPS tank and if you are having problems,, with your experience,,,, I would stand no chance of being successful with SPS corals,,, guess my tank will be a softie tank.

No, dont say that. It is human error, it is really not that bad. LOL......
Nitrate down to around 50 ppm, after another 20 gallon of water change. I am prepping for another around of water change on Friday, this time, it will be around 60 gallon. My goal is to knock the nitrate down to around acceptable range by middle of next week 6/16.
I reread your tank build this evening, tank I want is going to be 60x33x24 so I am very interested in your tank. I have a few more questions for you when you have the time, trying to learn from you lol. I have three 250w MH lights over my 125g tank and I will be using them over my new tank or some LED lights made by a local person. If I were to use the 250w lights, do you think I would need a chiller, and is your chiller placed under you stand in the sump area? I was wondering what kind of doser's you are using ? It looks like in your pics that you have your refugium on the right side of your sump, the middle is the skimmer section and on the right is the return section. The reason I ask you this is because of a question someone asked you in your build questions, that I don't know what it means. The question was does your tank drain straight into your refugium and you said yes but it goes thru the cryptic section first, what is a cryptic section? I noticed where your water drains from your refugium section into the skimmer section, that you have a piece of egg create up against the divider wall, what is the reason for this? Oh, the tank still looks great. :)
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles but at the same time makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one to have issues like that, I lost a few to either a temp spike or possibly a nitrate spike, my skimmer decided to just stop working and I didnt notice for 2 weeks! Thankfully most of mine are still frags except for my only colony of rose milli, which I have now fraged to try to save it...