235 Hex-reef


New member
I'm picking up my 215 gallon on Saturday and starting to plan my stock list. Comments and Suggestions welcome

Two pairs of clownfish
Powder Blue tang
Yellow watchman goby
Pistol shrimp
Green Mandarin pair
Leopard Wrasse
1 Male and 5 Female Anthias (still debating on what species?)
Bellus Angel (maybe a pair)
Chevron Tang
Midas Blenny
Desjardini or Purple tang
Regal Tang
3 Bangaii Cardinals
Pair of Cleaner Shrimp
Pair of Fire Shrimp
and a big CUC....

and before the tang police go crazy I'm buying them small and have a bigger tank they will go into when they outgrow mine
dimensions are 80.5" x 26.5" x 26" making it around 230-235 gallons

and the tank has arrived...




And in my rush to get the tank in and up I forgot to level the stand so tomorrow we get to take the tank off, level the stand, and put it back...
Well we got the stand leveled to within .25 degrees and put the tank back on...

going to start the basic plumbing tomorrow so I can get the cycle started.

And now I'm having issues with the skimmer I was planning to use... Anyone have some suggestions for a reasonably priced external skimmer? My thought was to get the PM bullet 2.

comments suggestions?