240 cube stand underway.

Thats what i was thinking you did, but i wasnt sure.

so did you use MDF or ply for the top of you stand where your tank sits?

thanks again!

Hey one more thing why i have you attention,

how tall is your stand?

also what are the demensions of the door openings?

thanks again!

nbd13 said:
Thats what i was thinking you did, but i wasnt sure.
so did you use MDF or ply for the top of you stand where your tank sits?
thanks again!
Hey one more thing why i have you attention,
how tall is your stand?
also what are the demensions of the door openings?
thanks again!
Yes, I used 3/4"MDF for the base, with a 3/8" foam cushion on top of that.
The stand is total of 36" tall.
The door openings are 37" wide by 24" tall.
Good luck with your stand!
Thanks i hope my turns out half as good as yours!

like you i do some smaller projects now and then, this will be my first big project!

it should be fun espically witha design in my head!

thanks again and beautiful setup!

That stand definitely looks solid!! It could have been a bumper pool table, or something along those lines. Extremely classy - nice work. :thumbsup:
Hey sonofgaladriel...I am starting to plan a stand project similar to yours and I was delighted to see your excellent work. But, I am wondering what the overall proportions (or dimensions) of the corner columns and openings are. It is too frustrating to spend so much time to have the proportions all wrong in the finished product!!! You certainly seem to have nailed it (no pun intended;) ).
kjbudsberg said:
Hey sonofgaladriel...I am starting to plan a stand project similar to yours and I was delighted to see your excellent work. But, I am wondering what the overall proportions (or dimensions) of the corner columns and openings are. It is too frustrating to spend so much time to have the proportions all wrong in the finished product!!! You certainly seem to have nailed it (no pun intended;) ).
You'll have to calculate the size of the corner columns and openings based on your particular stand's size and layout.
Try to keep the openings as large as possible. You always need more space to get things in and out of the stand ;)
Double up horizontal supports so you can avoid vertical supports...if possible.
Make the support structure of your stand the exact dimensions of your tank and build the 'trim', in this case columns, out from there. The trim work should not actually be supporting the weight of the tank.
Not sure what else I can offer in terms of advice on this other than plan it out.
The size of my columns were based on how I felt they should look proportionately with the overall size (height and width) of the stand. I went with 8" wide columns. All three openings are close to 36 inches wide and 24 inches tall. The stand itself is 36" tall.
Hope this helps some.
Good luck with your build.
Hey i quick question for you, do you think your stand could support a tank thats 60"x44"x24"?

i mean its about a foot longer but 4" shorter?

what do you think? should i do anything different with the 2x4s?


also did you build your stand before you had the tank?

i was thinking of going 61" on the stand to give .5" on both side? what do you think?

or did you just build yours to be 48" since your tank is 48"?

would thats .5" on each side be a bad thing?

thanks again!

haha sorry one more thing,

i knwo you used some 1x3 and 1x6 to frame the door ways.

did you use the 1x6 on top and the 1x3s on the side?

if so is there a reason you did not use say 1x4s all the way around? wouldnt that give you a bigger opening?

Let's see...
Could this design support a tank 60" long? I would probably have put in a center vertical support if the tank was 60" long if I used 2x4's. However, if you use 2x6's for your horizontal supports, I would think that you would be okay spanning the 60"s, as long as there are enough vertical supports under those 2x6's at both ends.
Did you build the stand before you had the tank? Yes. I got the exact measurements from Aquatics Systems Designs and built the stand off of those. It was fairly easy though keeping it to a square 48". What I had to account for was the holes drilled for the underneath closed loop and the returns in the back.
If your the least bit uncertain about the size and fit, then definately build the stand 1/2" wider/longer. It certainly can't hurt anything.
Why not use 1x4's all the way around? Well, I knew that the top and bottom would be trimmed out heavily with the crown moulding and the base boards. To look symmetrical, I needed to use wider boards at the top and bottom, hence 1x6's. I wanted the sides to be as wide as possible, hence the 1x3's. There's certainly no reason why you couldn't use the same size board all the way around if it fits in the design of the stand.
Remeber, this is not a cookie cutter stand. I built it to my particular imagination and design as well as to fit my tank. Do what you think is best to support your tank and meet the underneath needs for the sump area, then add whatever trim you think will look nice and fit in your home.
Good luck. I hope this helps some.
Yeah it does,

thanks again! i cant wait to build this thing, i will frame it out tomrrow!


Hey i was looking back through the thread, is there anyway you can restore those pics with the red X?


sonofgaladriel said:
Not much progress tonight thanks to a 5 alarm migraine. This is how I plan on trimming out each corner column. I will finish off the base of each column with some more decorative trim and finish off the top with some crown and rope bead.

That picture isn't loading for me, can you repost it, I'm curious to see it :)

Thanks man