Had to scan through the thread to find the pic of the sump....
I'm assuming the left side is going to be the first compartment of the sump (meaning raw water from tank in here), and right side is going to be the last compartment, (meaning water returned to tank from here)?
If this is the case, I would suggest having water pumped to the fuge and back from the first compartment. *why is this? wouldnt that encourage more detrius in the fuge?* I would also set up some sort of way to use filter socks in the first compartment, (you dont need to use them, but its easier to plan for them and not use them, then not play for them and decide later you want to use them.) I think they are useful on occassion. *already planned on filter socks, unfortunately my tight budget has not allowed me to do the yet.* I would also place some narrow egg crate and possibly some narrow sponges (Fluval type), to slow down the flow through the sump and use the first compartment of the sump as a detritus settling area. *I have some eggcrate in between the last two baffles to try to slow down the flow an eliminate micro bubbles, can be removed at any time*
What is your flow rate through the sump? *no clue, but the return pump is 3600gph* What is the flow rate you plan for the fuge? *no clue, I have not decided* Chaeto does best when it has current tumbling it around, exposing all sides to light. A slow flowrate through the fuge but a couple of powerheads creating flow, which would be needed for SPS frags, keep detritus in suspension until it got pulled into the sump where you could remove it, and tumble the chaeto seems like a good solution. *pretty much exactly what I planned*
Nick [/B]
I entered in answers to all the question above in between the asterisks.