265 gallon project

Your tank looks like it's comming along nice! One question though. Are you using a chiller at all? I have just fired up my new lights (3-250w MH, 4-96w 03's), and my tank has also increased about 1.5 deg's (78.9). I am using a 1/4hp chiller w/2 Ice Cap fans in my canopy. Thanks...
no chiller. i seriously contemplated getting a teco chiller because my temp was hitting 83.5 at the end of the day. but i thought it was cheaper to try a fan assy then to spend $1000. and it has worked so far. tomorrow will be the test, i'll let you know how it goes
WOW! Very nice! I'm planning a tank upgrade in the near future and you gave me some GREAT ideas! I love your rockwork!! Looks great! Keep us updated.
I think you will find that the fans will work well, but if you can angle them down just a bit to blow across the top of the water they will work even better. Its a small change but it makes a surprizingly big difference. Try it.
the fans definitely did their job. the tank never went over 82.4 today. compared to 83.5 that it has been doing. so it was worth the money for sure
their website does not work right now but their phone number is 604-856-1433 and talk to mike. they do ship. they have some issues with their website right now so it is not up and running
its been awhile with updates mostly because i was losing fish like crazy from a bacterial thing. in all i lost a copperband butterfly, male black clown, female oscellaris clown, powerblue tang. i hate losing fish and i'm not sure what brought it on. either way what ever it was is completely gone and the other fish are thrivng. the tank is coming along fairly good. little spots of algae that bug the hell out of me as the tank matures, but they are manageable. i got my first small school of anthias today. 3 females and 1 male. not really sure on the type, input would be great if you know what they are. the water looks a little dirty right now because i just fed cyclopeeze





Wow, awesome tank and great job on the equipment. Like it's any surprise since you are an aircraft mechanic. lol. :thumbsup:
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few new additions today i could not refuse. all three are juveniles but the regal is only about 2". i got a powder brown, powder blue, and regal tang



that powder brown is actually a gold rim or white cheek the powder browns have red in their dorsal fin and are much hardier hopefully you can keep him they are cool fish
Question about the TUNZE Wavebox. In addition to moving the water inside the tank does it also undulate the surface of the water? Like in the real ocean? to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement?

I'm talking about big surface and wave ripples. Heaving up and down. Not the tiny high frequency waves you get by pointing a powerhead towards the water surface.
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From videos I have seen in other tanks it does create a wave action with the surface going up and down a few inches but I have also heard it shortens the life of glass tanks and is better used in acrylic.
zachtos - the tank looks really cool. the rock work turned out really good. the pvc is pretty easy to work with hey

kennyboy - the wave box does create surface movement but the way i have it setup is with one wave. i believe if your tank is 6ft or over you can create 2 waves but i get better results in 1 long wave rather than 2 short ones. it was one of the best investments i've made on the tank. hope that answers your question

tcmfish - thanks for the clarification, after i posted on here i learned that it was not a powder brown but my bloody powder blue killed him. i'm still in the process of trying to catch the PB

fish list:

5 chromis
1 male 3 female lyretail anthias
black female ocellaris clown
2 ocellaris clowns (orange)
juvenile orange shoulder
juvenile convict tang
striatus tang (i think thats how you spell it)
blonde naso tang
mystery wrasse
flasher wrasse (i think thats what it is)
powder blue tang
juvenile regal tang
cleaner wrasse
flame angel

i think that is all of them. cant think of any others