275g Tank (375g system) from CGI to real life ambition

System test and Salt in.

System test and Salt in.

Yesterday, I left the complete system work for about 2 hours, happy to report no more leaking and apparently everything is running smoothly.

The bad part is that there is lot of noise coming from the pumps (Vibration) and some of the water going into the sump (Need to check everything again as it's supposed to run quiet).

To try resolve the pump noise, I bought to day some Dynamat, mat (Repetitive ha), I will put it under each pump (Feed and Return) and under the whole skimmer which is the works noise of them all.

Also, happy to report that salt went in also last night, here are a couple of pictures and videos on how it was done,

As I did my close loop system in the sump area with my feed pump, I decided to pour in the salt in there so this pump could basically mix it and then all the salty water would go up to the DT.

The close looped system:


Sump chamber where the salt went in:

Salt in:



And a Quick Video of the salt going into the DT

And some other videos of the system working (Lack of quality, no Steven Spielberg here :))

Part of the system: (Baffles removing bubbles and The Temp tube for avoiding return siphon)


Thank you and enjoy your Turkey! :)
Here are a couple of videos of the system, now, much quieter, even we all go to sleep without any noise disturbance from this thing :)

Water going into the sump from the overflow without a noise, there is over 1,500 GPH dropping in there, you can just hear the return pump.

The skimmer did a wonderful job pulling lots of skimmate today, water is now getting really clear, I can at least have good visibility between sides, also, I placed some carbon bags (Meanwhile the Filter Media Reactor arrives next week) as well as some filter media between baffles.

Also, poured in bacteria so cycle can officially start, I think with the amount I placed in is enough and won't be needing to put e Deli shrimp in. (Any thoughts of this?)


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News and MP60 Review

News and MP60 Review

Well, almost 1 week of cycling, I threw inside the tank 8 Deli shrimps and lots of bacteria, by now Ammonia is already at 1.0 and hopefully it will keep increasing, also I placed in some live rock to help the cycle.

And also, finally more equipment arrived today, MP60 Vortech Pump, Vertex UF-20 with MagDrive 7 for carbon reactor, Seachem Matrix Carbon (2L), a Check Valve for the return pump.

MP60ES Quick Review
Packaging is small and well tucked, everything was in perfect condition and no damage to any of the parts.



This thing is Huge compared to my former Koralia Evo's.

As stated it can support up to 1" glass thickness, it brings three different spacers so you can choose which glass size you have.

And the completed installed pump:
Going from mode to mode is real easy, I imagine it's as easy as all of the other Vortech pumps, but as this is my first experience with one of these I'm only guessing.


Just placing the my hand in front of the propeller in the lowest mode you can feel the amount of water it pushes, I don't want to push it as I'm avoiding a sandstorm right now.

Not too much noise coming out of the pump, the manual states that it needs a minimum of 24 hours to settle in and the noise will be reduced. (Sorry for the real bad video, promise to make a better one tomorrow), at least you can hear the noise coming from it.

Next, I will also do a quick review and Install setup on the Vertex UF-20.

On other off/on topic news, Today I managed to close deal with the house in fron of mine (I'm renting the one I'm at right now) so I will be moving everything to the new house, the good part is that I will be able to build a fishroom in the backyard and will place the tank as an In-wall in the main living room :D
First of all, the pump was a good choice. Find the mode to give you the best wave action and your coral will love it.

Second, I'm confused. You are gonna try to move that big tank now that you just set it up?
Thanks Mandragen, regarding your second point, yes, I'm off again with the big tank but now happy that I will be able to place everything within a Fishroom instead of cramping all under the cabinet, the good thing is that I don't have any inhabitants right now so no stock will be harmed (Well maybe I will place a couple of fish inside before the move :o), also the water will be matured (as the move will be in 2 to 3 months.

As your motto states under your sign "Live a life uncommon" LOL
damn gucci

Thanks, I think, LOL.

Ok, as offered here is my Carbon Reactor Installation,

Here are the components which consist of 2L of Seachem Matrix Carbon, Vertex UF-20 Media Reactor and Magdrive Pump #7,

Added the carbon:


My little one considering an Astrology job, LOL:

Added some components to the in/out sections so it would be easier to setup within the cabinet:

And the final setup, not too fancy but it works for now, I will maybe change in the future (Maybe in the new location) the flexible hoses for PVC Pipes.

Also, finally installed the check valve on the return and removed the adapter for siphon break at the return exit.


Thanks :)
Increible Juan Pablo, felicitaciones !!

Consultas ..

1) porque Mp60 y no 40 ?
2) Que es Deli shrimps ? No entendi bien esto

Hola Vlado! tiempo de no leer sobre ti :D
Espero que sea por estar bastante ocupado con tu nuevo tanque :)

1) El MP60 cuenta con mas del doble de fuerza que el MP40, para un tanque de mi tamaño lo mas probable es que hubiese necesitado 4 de este ultimo para realmente cubrir todas las zonas "muertas", mientas que con el MP60 solo necesito 2, e incluso de momento 1 mientras lleno el tanque de corales, y lo hice también pensando que al futuro puedo crecer el tanque sin necesidad de invertir en mas bombas.

2) Deli Shrimp es el camarón que venden en los mercados para comer, esto los hechas para que se pudran y generen amonio en el agua, adicional a esto agregue bacteria en polvo para que el ciclado iniciara, una vez la amonio baja, los nitritos suben, luego estos bajan y sube los nitratos y así hasta tener todo en 0 para contar con el tanque ciclado :)

En mi ciclado los nitritos ya iniciaron a subir (0.25) lo cual es muy bueno, las bacterias realmente están haciendo su trabajo.


Como vas con tu proyecto?

Abrazos igual.
Gracias Juan por las aclaraciones. Estuve un poco ausente por trabajo, varios viajes a USA y con el tema de las fiestas se suma trabajo por suerte.

Te comento que inicie el proyecto, me ha llegado el tanque con los laterales de Starfire ! En unos 10 dias se van los obreros por lo cual empezare a ponerle horas al proyecto.
Te comento que yo he comprado para mi tanque 2 Mp40 Es y 1 bomba de circulación general Reeflo Hammerhead gold (15000 l/h). Con esto estoy sobrado, o al menos es lo que todos me han dicho. Por eso te preguntaba por la MP60.

Las medidas de mi tanque son 200x70x60 (Largo x Altura x Ancho)

En cuanto a las bacterias en polvo, cual es la marca ? Yo utilizo Prodibio, y hasta ahora me han dado excelente resultado
Vlado, me alegro que haya bastante trabajo!

Felicidades por el tanque! 221 Galones verdad? Cuando inicias tu thread? supongo que sera por enero luego de las fechas festivas?

La bacteria que utilice es hecha por un proveedor local, pero es bastante buena, esta es segunda vez que la utilizo.

Espero ver tus fotos pronto
Asi es. 220 galones de tanque mas el sump, que aun no he definido el tamaño final que tendra. Pero le calculo no menos de 70 galones. El thread lo voy a iniciar una vez que tenga en funcionamiento el sistema. Me defiendo y muy bien con el ingles pero no tengo el tecnicismo que tienes tu, por lo que pienso hacer un paso a paso pero con imagenes.
El kit de medicion que tienes es marca API ? Tiene buen detalle de color

Con respecto a las bombas MP40 que compre y la hamerhead, como lo ves ? Siempre puedo poner alguna bomba mas chica tipo Tunz donde se requiera especificamente por algun coral etc etc
Vlado, me alegra que el proyecto este en camino :thumbsup:

En cuanto al test, si, es marca API, la verdad estoy muy contento con esta marca al igual que Salifert.

Creo que las bombas que compraste están muy bien, lo bueno de las Vortech es que puedes agregar más en un futuro y si no me equivoco puedes conectar hasta 4 esclavas y una maestra para que funcionen en sincronización, más que suficiente flujo.

El Reeflo Hammerhead es una excelente opción, la Reeflo no solo es buena sino que funciona silenciosamente, mi bomba Panworld que tiene menos capacidad que esta tengo que apagarla en la noche porque el ruido molesta mientras que la Reeflo nunca deja de funcionar, a veces me pregunto si está trabajando porque no la oigo jajaja.

Te cuidas y un abrazo.