275g Tank (375g system) from CGI to real life ambition

"1. The skimmer is already out of the cabinet and besides it on top of a shelf, will the fuge light still affect it there? if so I can place something on the back to completely remove any light from inside."

well, if any of the light hits it it will grow algae, and over time its a pain, I know from experience, on my current tank I blacked out the back, sides and part of the front of my sump to "contain" the light to the fuge, it just looked like from one of your pictures that the skimer section of your stand was glowing from the top, so thats why I suggested blocking it, but you can tell better than I can if it will be an issue.
Ok, so I began filling my tank today with water from my RO/DI, everything seemed ok until the bulkheads began leaking!!!! should I silicone them?, I thought that just tightening would suffice! Help
just tightening it should solve it, unless its overtight :), if they are quality bulkheads wth the thick o rings silicone is not needed to make them water tight
JrpDriver, thank you for the advice, the brand I'm using for the 2" Bulkhead (Return) Is Hayward, so it should be good, but even so it was leaking, I will loose the bulkhead and inspect that everything is/was ok.
Initial Filling

Initial Filling

Initial Filling:

Even so the LFS couldn't deliver the water and the canister (60 Gal) didn't fit my water room, I began using the 5 gallon canisters as the tube from the RO/DI wasn't large enough to reach the tank and in my country I couldn't find this type.


The RO/DI is delivering it's purpose :)

The Initial Overflow testing:

The tank began filling (You can imagine how it is to fill this tank by 5 gal canisters)


Also, as I began filling the sump and some leaking happened, with the opening of some valves I managed to transfer the water from the sump to the Fuge, even the water on this side began clearing.


And this is where I managed to reach today, I think I transferred over 100 gallons, that's more than 20 trips with the 5gal canisters:


So, I hope I can finish tomorrow, I will buy more RO/DI water at the LFS so it can help me achieve my goal quicker.
De verdad este acuario te está quedando impresiónate, mis más sinceras felicitaciones desde Venezuela, yo estoy arrancado un proyecto también y de verdad me he quedado loco con lo bien explicado y planificado que has hecho todo, felicitaciones de verdad

Solo una sugerencia, la bomba del skimmer debes tenerla muy vigiladita y pendiente con la limpieza, aquí hay una pana en Venezuela que tiene este bicho y la bomba no le duro más de un año, después de algo de lectura nos dimos cuenta que no era un caso aislado, pero bueno solo ojo con ella

Esperando ese llenado completo:dance:


PD: Te quedo de lujo el mueble
Very Impressive build. Love your canopy I have been thinking on redoing mine and you have given me an excellent idea thanks. Keep up the good work and youll have a beautiful tank soon.
De verdad este acuario te está quedando impresiónate, mis más sinceras felicitaciones desde Venezuela, yo estoy arrancado un proyecto también y de verdad me he quedado loco con lo bien explicado y planificado que has hecho todo, felicitaciones de verdad

Solo una sugerencia, la bomba del skimmer debes tenerla muy vigiladita y pendiente con la limpieza, aquí hay una pana en Venezuela que tiene este bicho y la bomba no le duro más de un año, después de algo de lectura nos dimos cuenta que no era un caso aislado, pero bueno solo ojo con ella

Esperando ese llenado completo:dance:


PD: Te quedo de lujo el mueble

Tebo, muchas gracias por los buenos comentarios y por el aviso de la bomba, voy a tenerla vigilada constantemente y con lo que me indicas voy a programar mantenimientos mensuales.

Muchas suerte con tu nuevo proyecto e inicia tu thread para que todos gocemos de tu tanque.

Very Impressive build. Love your canopy I have been thinking on redoing mine and you have given me an excellent idea thanks. Keep up the good work and youll have a beautiful tank soon.

Mal1099, Thank you very much for your kind words, happy that you got some ideas for your canopy, at the end, this is why we all post threads so we can exchange knoweldge :)
great build!

i did notice one thing in one pic you show the return pump with a ball valve between it and the sump but in a later pic it looks like its been removed. if you did remove it i would advice to put one back because any maintenance on the pump will be pretty much impossible
You're absolutley right, the problem I encountered is that placing a Gate Valve would extend the lenght of that section and the pump wouldn't fit because of this, so I had to remove it, I will be placing a single union instead that's slipxslip so I can fit it without affecring anything and do maintance to the pump without a problem.

BTW, You got a really cool avatar :)
Man, this is really sweet. You are a real craftsman. Let me guess, you are either an engineer or an artist?
Water IN and Skimmer Test Run.

Water IN and Skimmer Test Run.

Finally water is in! still missing 10-15 gallons to completely fill in the Fuge and the Skimmer but, tested everything and works great, I managed to take a couple of pics of the tank with all lights on, (Need to sweep the SB for a cleaner look),




And here is a quick video of the skimmer in action :)
(This is just a test run)
YouTube - Super Reef Octopus Skimmer 5000 ext

And last, bought today Salt to produce 400 gallons, I will begin pouring it tomorrow slowly so it dissolves nicely.