29 Gallon Okay?


New member
I've realized that with my tight budget with the upcoming wedding, that it may be financially better and possible for me to look for deals on a 29 gallon saltwater setup; at least so I could get STARTED.

So my first question is, is 29 gallons okay for a saltwater tank?

I've heard that with a smaller tank size, the needs are not as major. So, for me with the desire to have a tank with a couple of fish, live rock and some coral, can you make a list of the equipment/what type I would REALLY need. Kind of like a bare minimum to still be successful. (Considering I would make upgrades later on when I save up more money).

Obviously I know I would need a specific type of lighting, I'd look towards LED.

So an example would be:
1. Filter (canister or hang on back or some have said live rock alone in that size is your "filter")
2. Skimmer (regular or hang on back)
3. Power head (1 okay or is 2 still required)
A few of the first couple things you should be getting when starting a nano is an Auto Top off unit (swings can be higher and faster in a nano), and a fan if you plan on getting higher power lighting for coral. Those are the first two things anyone with a nano will run into. Is it going to be a All in One like a bio cub or a standard 29 gallon tank? Since your buying a filter then im assuming its a regular 29 gallon tank. My opinion though, and its just my opinion, go now to petco and get a 40 gal breeder for $40 if the sale is still going on. 40 breeder is one of the best smaller size tanks if you have space for it (shallower and wider)
A 29 is fine. Just keep in mind the tank itself is the smallest investment, so really make sure you get the right one. My current tank, which was my first tank, is VERY simple. I bought it used, and the only think I upgraded was the return pump and added some media.

Here it is at around 4-5 month mark almost stock, please excuse the tang (its still alive BTW ;))....

I ended up getting the SPS bug, so I upgraded the lights to LED and replaced the Koralias with an MP10, but my tank is STILL relatively simple, no skimming, no controller, no ATO, etc....

Right now I'm in stick growout mode, so I have a LOT of SPS frags I'm growing out. Here is a photo taken a few months ago.....

Its a bit cluttered, but I'm basically just growing out frags for my upgrade in process....

Very important Chinese secret my friend………you read………….WATER CHANGES……… lol very simple! Weekly water changes are key and go far, I also have a cube and love it. No need for anything. As you cans see from rovster comment he also runs very simple and is awesome (my new inspiration ) btw!!!!. I have adiy media basket I will gladly send u all the specs if you want to make some with some pexy and egg crate, or I can make you one for 5 dollars with no problem (or a frag If you got lol)and your set. But water changes and your set!!!
the biocubes are awesome if you go that route, and for skimmer im happy with the one that oceanic sells for the biocube 29. Sadly i didnt get the light cause it was a clearance item but if you get the HAI version you should be set with the mh lights or the stock lights seems to be easy to upgrade. For filtration on one of these tanks you just need a filter, and a media basket for your purigen ect or refuge if you set it up that way. and of corse a powerhead which i have one you can have.

If you go with a 29g without the all in one you can pick up a hob filter for cheap and can even convert the aquaclear filters into mini hob refuges. the only real diff seems the All in ones get more hide room from eh back chambers with a loss of some display room and the shape is more square. But for the price they are a great start up tank imo.

Also i would have to agree on the ATO of some sort. im attempting to make a cheap one with a float switch and a air pump we will see how that works. and water changes to keep the tank happy.
I wouldn't be getting a cube or nano. I'd get a regular 29 gallon and the equipment for it.

Not a bad decision. They have their own issues, althought the plug and play aspect is its greatest attraction, followed by the "finished" look. If you get the 29 without sump, you will have a lot of equipment and HOB sort of stuff visible

Are you planning on drilling the tank? Sump? Like said, you could set up a couple of HOB filters with either media, or fuge with macro. You could also get a HOB skimmer if so inclined.

If I knew then what I know now, I think a drilled 40 BR with a sump is a fantastic starter tank. One of my biggest regrets with my tank is the limited room, LOL!

Good luck!
agreed and for $40 if they still have them is not bad. but my preference deff falls with the all in one tanks for the sizes they are offered, much more simple and clean like you said.
<a href="http://s147.photobucket.com/user/kayo2289/media/DSC01484.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/kayo2289/DSC01484.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSC01484.jpg"/></a>
<a href="http://s147.photobucket.com/user/kayo2289/media/DSC01485.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/kayo2289/DSC01485.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSC01485.jpg"/></a>
<a href="http://s147.photobucket.com/user/kayo2289/media/DSC01489.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/kayo2289/DSC01489.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSC01489.jpg"/></a>
<a href="http://s147.photobucket.com/user/kayo2289/media/DSC01490.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/kayo2289/DSC01490.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSC01490.jpg"/></a>

Granted it is not the BC29 but don't count out the AGA!!
these are picks of the first SW aquarium I ever had.. I still have the tank, light and all the rock you will need... I am willing to sell you the tank, the light and therock for $150...

here is the link to the light I am talking about..
Well, I wont say I am against the cube, I think they look nice, but I didn't see one/any for under $250 when I looked online.
All the ad's I responded to said they were sold. Really wish people deleted ad's once they were sold.
well if you cant find a biocube the 29 would be fine, just get yourself a aquaclear hob filter for a fuge, some lights, heater you can have this powerhead i have or buy another, sand rock and that should be a decent set up. By the time you have a cycle i should have chaeto for you.
I will advise to get the 40 gallon breeder tank at petco for a dollar sale.


Add a hob power filter and or hang on back skimmer, then pick the lights of your choice. If you are handy, make a false wall to hide the equipment or to make it an all in one.