29g Tall Sump - Input Please?


The Maaan
As some of you may know - my new tank is ALMOST up.

Just gotta finish this sump.

It is a standard AGA 29g Tall (30" x 12" x 18")

This is my crappy sketch of what I understood from my consultation with Noel (OzoneParkGuy) at today's general meeting.

R & S = Return & Skimmer

The rest is self explanatory.

Setting up this new system is a bit challenging for me mainly cause I don't want to "eff" it up and have 40g+ of water on the floor in my basement.

The sump will be right underneath my display tank (46g Bowfront)

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

*Another question I'd like to toss up.

After a few discussions at today's meeting - I got a very mixed response with using acrylic baffles siliconed to a glass tank.

Some tried it - and it worked. And vice versa.

Thanks guys!

This was my 1st sump ever built... only 2 problems. The height of the 1st chamber on the left was to high and it created a waterfall effect causing the sand bed to the left of the chamber wall to be pushed to the right, it also caused microbubbles. Solution: I had to redo it and get another precut glass about 6" and it solved the issue. So you'll need two at the same height. Worked really well after that.

Then these were my 2nd and 3rd sumps built. I started messing around with designs.

40 Breeder


Made small compartments to hold either filter socks or to put LR in and created small holes to let the water flow threw the holes instead of over under design.
I used Acrylic with a glass tank no ill effects. The key to this is using more silicone on the side that has the pressure. GL... the key is to have fun with it. Not make it into a project. Keep it simple and keep it sweet!!
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Thanks Noel!

I really appreciate it!

Just going to pack the silicone on the opposite side of the water flow direction.

That "hole" idea.. is pretty neat.

How did that work out?

I'm just going to try silicone.

Dad has a whole 5ft x 3ft sheet in the garage from doing renovations in the kitchen or something.. I'm gunna measure how thick it is before I do it, 'cause I don't want it bending from the water pressure.

*If I'll be using acrylic - about how thick should it be?

Thanks again for your help Noel!! :)
Give me a call... the hole design worked out better then what was expected. Worked like a denitrifier. I'll explain via telephone.
Make sure to plan it out carefully... Take the measurement of your skimmer, at what depth should it be in to work great... And the 2 things I look out for the most is that I don't get micro bubbles in my pump chamber and that it can handle the water that's going to be dumped in there in case of a power failure or during regular maintenance...