2nd TC-Frag Meeting

I'll be there. I'm working on taking pics of frags I have for sale/trade. Let me know if anyone is on the hunt for something special.

Then I'll pass. If it looks bland with your lighting I can just imagine what it would look like with mine :lol:
Wish you could have made it. It was a fun afternoon. The usual suspects showed up + or - one. The next one will be sometime in November. Check back on TC-FRAG often to stay current.
Steve-Thanks for showing us your new overflow kit form glass-holes! Rick-Thanks again for the snails and hermits. Dick-It was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you along with your kind donations for our first prize drawing. And of course, THANK YOU Wendy for hosting our 2nd TC-FRAG meeting. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting.
I agree 100%....I had a Great Time!!

Thank You, Steve, for the mushroom and lil frags....they made it into the tanks.....lets see what we get!!

And Thank You Rick for giving me crabs!! ;) They are hard at work on my hairy algae. :thumbsup:

And Thank You Very Much, Wendy......always nice to sit and sip wine with you!!

See you all next month......my house!!
Thanks for the mushrooms Wendy. Tomorrow I will get them secured onto some rubble rock. Steve thanks for the red algae. It looks cool. I think it is loaded with pods! If it wasn't, it is now. Thanks Justing for the Duncans. They opened a little already.
Can't wait for the next one.
Thanks Wendy for hosting. Mel, I am sorry that Rick gave you crabs:lol: I hope that they are cleared up by the next meeting.
Hi All
Glad everyone had a good time ....

Steve thanks for bringing the transformer I appreciate the thought! and for sharing your overflow kit with us.

Dick it was nice meeting you and thank you for bringing door prizes

Mary thank you for the platter and tell your mom it was very nice meeting her too!

Anthony you left your tupperware here....LOL guess I will bring it to the next meeting at Mel's

Justin got your pm will touch base with you prob try and meet up friday it that works for you and thank you so much for the frag

Mel Thank you for everything...I know you weren't feeling so great.

Rick ...thanks for fragging my mushrooms and thanks for not giving me crabs like you did Mel.....LOL ...see ya this week
I hear 'kumbaya' playing in the background... :)

Wendy, I wuz gonna give you my crabs for not bringing a goodie, but Mel sweet talked me into it with her hair algae. :bum:

great seeing you again Dick and thanks for the Oceans Blend door prizes.

Justin, that xenia rock will be perfect for my experiments. mwahahahaha! :hmm5:
thanks again

I gave a stern talkin' to to the person that wuz late.
he sayz it shouldn't happen again...:bigeyes:
Hey Wendy,

It was great meeting you and the family, thanks for hosting and the shroom.

The rest of you, Mel, Mary, Anthony, Justin, Steve, hmmm have I forgotten any one??? Well, my apologies.

Oh yeah, Rick who came late, great seeing you again. :D
