2x2x2 foot tank


New member
I plan on setting up a simple 2'x2'x2' (roughly 65 gallons) reef with some lps and sps.

Simple diy aio with socks, heaters, skimmer, return pump for all flow.
AI prime (if i can) or a lumini pixie

stocking (in no particular order)
Naokos wrasse
midas blenny
possum wrasse
clown pair
a dartfish
a dragonet
an assesors basslet trio
I’m not seeing any issues. The only possible thing I could think of is not enough flow from just the return for SPS
I honestly don’t know enough about the blades yet. Based on what little information I do have, they likely should help but what I would do is get the tank set up and get your aquascape how you like it to determine if you think you’ll need additional lighting. No need to spend money if you don’t end up actually needing too