3.700 Gallons Tank

In severe conditions of the climate, already we face strong rains and granizos, Nâo has problem none of ingression of water strong candy or risks to the roof. In the more cold conditions of climate, beyond the electric heating, they will be used curtains of plastic canvas around of the tank, helping to prevent the heat exchange.


In the summer strongest, the idea is the use of fans for withdrawal of the internal heat and ventilation on the surface of the water. In relation to the costs of the tank, they had been esteem in U$ 25000,00 and not 250.000,00. As Claude D said some expenditures in the Brazil is not expensive, only the imported materials. He was possible to carry through the expenditure with the tank (less the covering) with a reasonable budget, including equipment, illumination, substratum and alive rocks.
It is a very good price considering my tank cost me close to 10,000 and its only 300 gal.I like his setup its very nice.I wouldn't call this a home aquarium.Maybe a mini public aquarium.:lol:
I would love to have something like this in my home its mind blowing.I love the look to it.This will look so nice when its full of fish and some corals.
Very nice and creative tank! Keep the pictures coming. I saw tons more on your other thread that look great when the lights are dim.