300 gallon stocking ideas


I have my 210 gallon butterfly tank up and running. Time for a new tank. I have. 300 gallon 96x24x30 inch tank on the way. I would like to stock it with angels and tangs.

My wish list is as follows:
Emperor angel
Maculosus angel
Majestic angel

Powder blue tang
Purple tang

Lemon peel dwarf angel
Coral beauty dwarf angel

Azure damsels
Black capped basslet pair
Splendid dottyback

Will these fish work? Can I add another angel?
Thanks for the input.
I'd stock the angels as juveniles... and at the same time if you can.

The tangs may fight with each other. Perhaps pick the one you like best and then chose another tang from a different genus. Even then, I'd add the tangs at the same time and as small juveniles.

The pygmy angels should be fine in a tank that large. Still, same advice as above... add together.