3000 gallon tank!!!!

Mr salt

New member
within a few years i am gonna have the whole thing up and running.i am planning to put this in the basement.i am gonna make hire people to come into my basement and build the tank and everything there.i have a idea of what i would like to put in here here it goes. 1 Queen Angelfish 1 Emperor Angelfish 1 fire coral eel 1 wolf eel 1 jeweled moray eel 1 snow flake eel 1 Tessalata Eel 1 Zebra Moray Eel 1 Panther Grouper 1 Blue Dot Grouper 1 Miniatus Grouper 1 Striped Sweetlips 1 Blue Line Grouper 1 Volitan Lionfish 1 Cat Shark, Black Banded(Chiloscyllium punctatum) 1 Blue Tang 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Clown Tang 1 Orange shoulder Tang 1 Banana Wrasse 1 Dragon Wrasse 1 Harlequin Tusk 1 Clown Triggerfish 1 Niger Triggerfish 1 Undulate Triggerfish 1 California Stingray 1 blue spot stingray 1 horn shark 1 blue line trigger 1 queen trigger 1 yellow sting ray 1 blue and yellow grouper 1 clown grouper 1 Polleni Grouper 1 japanese dragon eel and finally 1 long horn cow fish. do you see any problems with the stocking?with 3000 gallons they would have plenty of room to hide territories.and i have been keeping saltwater for 25 years so i know what i am getting in to.i once tank sat for a friend with a 5000 gallon sw tank for a month.
well i was not sure how the huge fish would affect the bioload like the sharks and those fishes.most of those fishes make me just stare off and wonder.i feel like a kid again planning a tank again.:)but that was about 50 years ago.i cant believe im already 60.life flies by when your keeping fish.thats what i always say.and so back to the topic would it be ok if i doubled everything?like two of each?i am currently looking at a grey smoothhound shark.if you are wondering where i am getting all of these from here.
ok since the dang thing wont let me edit the post i am gonna have to just do a new reply.well i was looking at some grunts and some other fish.i will have a new list by tomorrow.probably around the same time as today when i posted this.
A lot of your fish selection are not compatible . What are the details of the tank, filteration, lighting .
I've read in numerous places that triggers love to nip at the fins of lion fish which could end bad not only for the lion, but also the trigger if it gets stung. Another thing to worry about is fish such as triggers picking at the eyes of eels (and maybe sharks?)
Don't take this the wrong way but as I look over what you want to keep in your tank I think you need to take a step back and learn a great deal more about the compatibility of fish and then make a more sensible draft plan. Then you are much more likely to get helpful responses. Right now everything is wrong and you'll have carnage.
When dealing with systems in the 1000's of gallons (and i've dealt with a few), a lot of the aggression rules that we see dealing with small to average home aquariums don't apply.

I would still try to keep fish in smaller groups rather than just one of everything
May I suggest you post the new list like this:
To make it easier to read?
Also, I think you have some potential meals in there, as well as the lion + trigger = bad thing.
ok i thought that the huge tank would take care of every aggression problem but i am wrong.i am gonna do some research about groupers,lion fish and some tankmates for them.
Skip the groupers and lionfish, that will seriously limit tank mates and anything that will fit In their mouths, they will. You need large angels and tangs. Groupers and lions live well with eels, rays and sharks and not much else
Most horn sharks are cool/cold water species. The blue spot ray will die, so just skip it. Fish that graze and benthic animals like sharks/rays don't usually mix (grazers like to pick at or eat the eyes). Many triggers are also know for taking off chunks of shark/ray tails.

Depending on shape of the tank, the Tesselata moray might out grow it.
When dealing with systems in the 1000's of gallons (and i've dealt with a few), a lot of the aggression rules that we see dealing with small to average home aquariums don't apply.

I would still try to keep fish in smaller groups rather than just one of everything

i dont have the tank it is not built yet.i think that if i cant have the aggressive fish i want in the tank i will just make more tanks for them in a few years.i think that i will change it and make it a huge peaceful fish tank with some small aggressive fish like damsels.
i dont have the tank it is not built yet.i think that if i cant have the aggressive fish i want in the tank i will just make more tanks for them in a few years.i think that i will change it and make it a huge peaceful fish tank with some small aggressive fish like damsels.

Really? What a troll.
Big tanks are expensive and time consuming. It's best to plan your stock list AFTER you have the tank, IMO. Even then it doesn't always go as planned. ;)