Active member
Went to Las Vegas a few weeks back. Met some amazing reefers out there. Came home with a dozen sticks, only half survived the journey.
To ease your conscience, dipping doesn't control aiptasia.A few lessons on the way
1- gave some calerpa to a fellow reefer. He brought over a cut of his monti, super nice of him. I also got aiptasia from it. Which has been annoying to deal with. I have three peppermint shrimp now in my display, 6 atipsia eating nudibranch in the sump, and using aiptasia X to spot kill ones I see.
Should have dipped that monti.
2- When I put my blue tang in my tank he immediately developed white spots. Looked like ich, which I felt was highly unusual as he was a captive bred biota tang. He went into quarantine and did TTM and watched him. Looked great and went back into the display and immediately the spots reappeared. The spots lasted two days and disappeared. I am convinced these spots are not ich and perhaps ther are things we attribute to ich that are not ich at all.
3- chemiclean works really well on cyano.
I was wondering about that.To ease your conscience, dipping doesn't control aiptasia.