327Gallon DT build. Wish me luck.


New member
So this will be a slow thread. My DT has been in order now for 6 weeks and I have 6 more to go:headwallblue: The tank measurements are 84x30x30. Straphire all three sides. Euro braced as well. Overflow will be a ghost style, C2C. I have gathered most of the equipment for the build so I'll update with pics as I have time to do so. Feel free to give me your opinion on anything you think I should or shouldn't do. I'm new to the hobby and as much reading as I've done nothing beats real life experiences.
Here is the sump I'm gonna use.He socks I won't be using. Going with floss for the filter. An SRO5000 INT skimmer will be providing or my skimming needs. The refugium I'm still debating what to do with. Plant mangroves, chaeto, etc. Anything that will help export nutrients will work. I'm also hopping I can find somewhere the means to add small frag section.
is this set up peninsula? I have similar dimension tank set up as a peninsula

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Good luck on this massive build. I see many trips to home depo/lowes in your future.
Thank you. The trips have already started. LOL.

is this set up peninsula? I have similar dimension tank set up as a peninsula

Sent from my SM-G900P using Forum Fiend v1.2.9.
Not a peninsula. This is gonna sit on 10 foot wall. 2 sides and front panel are low iron.

Looking good buddy can't wait to see it come together ....
Thanks Matt. You are definitely gonna get to see it. I'm counting on you. LOL.
Equipment I've got thus far.

Equipment I've got thus far.

Reeflo Superdart Gold.

I got a killer deal on this APEX on eBay. Sniped it at the last second.

For a UV I've got an Aqua UV 57 Watt.

Skimmer is on its way will be here Monday. SRO 5000 INT. Should handle whatever I can throw at that system.
I use the sro 5000 cone skimmer and its a beast. what lights?

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I've Already gotten the rock. Around 450 #s of it. Started doing the cooking today.
Unboxing the rocks. Some very nice pieces. 390# is Haitian rock and around 70# pukani rock. Planing on getting couple of pieces of tonga branch to complete the aquascape.

And we've got hitchhikers. This Girl had so many eggs in her belly it was crazy.

Another hitchhiker LOL:

So I went ahead and started the cooking:

Roc was pretty Dirty. I tried pressure cleaning it first but no go. Lots of stuff didn't come off. After a couple of trips to HD I got some Acid and tubs. And went to work on the rocks. After a couple of hours in the acid bath I removed then and did some more pressure cleaning. IT came out pretty decent.

That last image is the rock that have been thru the whole process sitting in RO water. Will remain there for a couple of days and then onto a salt water tub with some powerheads and some seaklear to reduce PO4 and help cure the rock. I'm gonna need another 100gallon tub so if anyone has one for sale or just not using it right now and I could borrow for a month or two it'd be perfect.
I use the sro 5000 cone skimmer and its a beast. what lights?

Sent from my SM-G900P using Forum Fiend v1.2.9.

I'm glad the skimmer is good. I've searched a lot and you can't find many bad things said about the skimmer.

For lights I have 3hydras 52 and 2 Vega Color. 5 fixtures total. I may end up upgrading the vegas to Hydras52. Holding back hopping for a drop in price from the upgrade kit as the fixtures have dropped in price already.
I almost forgot. Between all the trips to HD and all the work with the rock I found time to get me some frags. LOL. You all suck. None of you told me how addictive this was. Or may be you did tell me? :fun5: I don't know anymore. LOL. Pardon the cell pics but the decent camera is gonna have to wait for now. This build has gotten expensive. lol.
Looks good man! Don't rush to rocks. The longer you cure the better. I'm slightly confused, why did you get live rock and then treat it? Rock looks really sweet!
Looks good man! Don't rush to rocks. The longer you cure the better. I'm slightly confused, why did you get live rock and then treat it? Rock looks really sweet!

Rock wasn't live. It was dry with whole lot of crap on it. Dead soonges. Algae etc. I'm gonna take my time curing it for sure. I have rock to seed it once i does seaklear and get whatever PO4 I can off.
Looking good. Good luck.

Thank you I'm gonna need it. Lol.

So have set up my QT. 30 gallon with a HOB filter, PVC fittings and some filter pad from my current tank. Heater and Power head.
Here's the leak test.

And this is after it was all set up with the fish in it. My 90 has to stay 72 days with no fish. Well my mandarin stayed in my 90 with all the corals and his pods.
Updates galore.

Updates galore.

So I have been pretty busy with the rock curing process but about 4 days ago 90% of the rock went into salt water to start the curing process. I've since then received the following equipment.
SRO 5000int. This thing is a beast. :uzi:
This is in the sump. Looks like a small stand will be in order.

I also went ahead and picked up a 150 gallon tank for the AWC.

And last but not least. The stand is finally home. I could barely sleep yesterday thinking I was due to pick it up. Love the way it came out and it has doors everywhere. :bounce1:

And there it is in it's final resting place with the canopy and making sure the sump fit. LOL:beer:

Let the fun begin. :celeb1: