327Gallon DT build. Wish me luck.

Nice! Congrats
Thanks Mike. Now if only i can get that WD I just won to grow it'll definetly become my show piece in the tank. Lol.

Very nice. Love the stand.

Very nice

Wow who made the stand very nice !

Very nice work on the stand and equipment purchases to date. Looks like it's going to be a great build.

Thanks fellas. I also love the way the stand came out. Looks gr8 and matches the wife Furniture so it's a win win. Lol.

Build is coming along very nicely.

Everything is coming together and looking good .....
Thanks a lot specially to Matt and Jonny. You guys have been of gr8 help. I hope you haven't gotten tired of my questions yet BC I've got a ton more. Lol.

I'm currently debating my return lines. I was thinking going with two 1" Seaswirls on each of the rear corners and if needed adding a 3/4" return in the middle of the tank as well or just use a power head. What do you guys think about this?
Ideas are very welcome. Trying to get as much random water movement without having to rely too much on power heads. So shoot me ideas.
By the way I'm definitely using 1.5" return lines for as far as I can right until I have to reduce into whatever size the discharge will be.
I was able to get a couple of things done last week. Styrofoam for tank suport. Check. I also went to HD and got me some cork used for insulation under tile floors. I was given the advice to place it on the bottom of the sump to help reduce vibration noise as well as to support my sump. I must say it was gr8 advice. (thank Jonnyu) I liked ho it came out.
This is the stuff.

And this is how it fits under the sump.
I also got a mayor update over the weekend. The tank has finally arrived and I love it. :bounce3:
IT was amazing how it took just two guys to move it and place it on the stand. Nothing beats experience.

And this is the tank finally in the stand witht he canopy. :dance:
I also figured I'd need to cutt off 2" of the top of the sump so I could get the skimmer in and out. A quick phone call to Matt put me on the right track and the sump was cut in less than an hour and I liek how it looks now better than before. IT freed up so much more space plus potential to hand stuff on it.
And this is what the sump looks like now.
Looks like you're doing your homework. Matt and Jonny are gr8 guys have a ton of knowledge and always willing to share it !! - coming together nicely !!
Who made the tank ?
Looks like you're doing your homework. Matt and Jonny are gr8 guys have a ton of knowledge and always willing to share it !! - coming together nicely !!
Who made the tank ?
Thanks. Im trying to read and ask as much as I can. Doesn't mean I always make the right decision though. Lol. And yes Jonny and Matt have been gr8.

Tank was made by Exotic Aquariums in miami. I highly recommend them.

that thing is a beast good job :)
Thanks man. I hope it turn out to be gr8. I'm very happy,thus far.
Where are the updates !!! I know you must have something
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have updates. Lol.

So I finally was able to get off my butt and got some work done on the tank and prepped some of the house as well. Jonny was of incredible help. Thanks a ton buddy. I'll always be indebted to you. Updates with pics coming up next.
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So photobucket finally ame around :hmm4: So here are the updates. Missing a couple of pics but I've been gign to bed around 2-3 in the morning the last couple of days.

So I got part of my overflow built. this thing is a beast of an overflow. Matt did a very good job at it. Low profile yet it should be very efficient.

Witht he overflow ready for measuring and drilling things are getting real so it was time to call in the reinforcements.

So jonny went by the house on monday true to his word, in the middle of a storm and under tornado warning.:thumbsup: Way to come thru buddy. Again I know I've said it a million times but thanks again.

After much discusion we agreed on placing some plywood inside the stand. This would serve multiple purpuses . I'll help keep noise at a minimun as my tank and all it's equipment will be sitting in my livingroom in close distance to my TV. I'll also allow me to suport the pipping for the overflow and return, and ultimately will make it that much easier to run all cables and install all electronics. We also install 3 2x4's to provide extra suport for the bottom of the tank.

Jonny had to pose for that one. LOL.

Finished product

Then we went to work on the canopy. I've been banging my head ever since I had the stand built bc of my light placement. The wife refused to get a tall canopy :blown: so I had to somewhere some how come up with the best way to install my Hydras 52 as high as I could within the confine of the cabinet. I thought of cutting rectangles the size of the light on the canopy and just mount the light trhu the top held by brace. jonny got my idea and thought of a genius way of acomplishing the same and even gain some clearance in the process while also allowing for more open air in the canopy for ventilation and evaporation. Here's what we ended up with I really liked how it came out.
Here's the designing phase lol.

Implementing the plan. No pressure by the way cutting into that brand new awesome looking canopy. LOL.

Finished product.

With that setting theres no way the light can accidentally fall into the water as it is held pretty tight by the frame. It also allows for easy movement of the lights once mounted. It frees sooo much space inside the canopy that it'll make it much easier to work in the tank. Not that I ever expected a 30 by 30 tank to be easy to work on. :lolspin:

Everything is now painted and looks pretty good I must say. But that's one men's opinion. lol.

On wednesday it was time to work on the water station. The 225 gallon tank and the 100 gallon RO I picked will sit on the side of the house with 1/4" RO lines runing to and from it. That side of the house has the lowest exposure to sun as it faces east. I'm using 1" PVC pipe fromn the insdie of the house to the tanks to hide the 1/4" RO lines as well as to protect them from sun exposure and algae. Picked up some HEAVYYYY 16x16x4" bricks and made a small pad to place the tanks and suport them. A tank brace will go on the 225 gallon tank.
Here's what I've got so far.

along with that I made a total 140 gallon water change to the rocks I have curing, my QT tank and my 90 gallon current DT. I almost couldnt ghet out of bed this morning to go to work.
So Eddie Soler if you read this I'm sorry I haven't started the frag thread I promise I will do it today. lol.

With that said. Now all he pressure is on Matt to finish the overflow. I'm hopping to leak test next week. Or at least that's the goal.
I also managed to yet again :uhoh3: get some more sticks. LOL. I've said it, I'm an adict. Thnks for letting me share.