375-500G Projected Build - need some input
So I woke up this morning and lost another anthias, 2 butterflies and a moorish idol. Now my queen angel is swollen, has mouth open, won't eat and has a white film on his gills and mouth. I'll be surprised if he's still alive tomorrow.
Looks like marine velvet best I can tell, so just dosed some cupramine on the DT. Since I never plan on having inverts because of the fish I want to have I'm fine with dosing in the DT but from now on I'm spinning up a small 10G QT. I had it and I didn't want to use it because it was going to be too much of a PIA and now I'm paying for it dearly. I hope the queen recuperates tomorrow and takes to the treatment but it may be too late.
Given how much the rocks suck this stuff up I'm going to have to dose cupramine on a daily basis to keep levels between .4-.5.
Man this sucks.
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