375-500G Projected Build - need some input

375-500G Projected Build - need some input

So I woke up this morning and lost another anthias, 2 butterflies and a moorish idol. Now my queen angel is swollen, has mouth open, won't eat and has a white film on his gills and mouth. I'll be surprised if he's still alive tomorrow.

Looks like marine velvet best I can tell, so just dosed some cupramine on the DT. Since I never plan on having inverts because of the fish I want to have I'm fine with dosing in the DT but from now on I'm spinning up a small 10G QT. I had it and I didn't want to use it because it was going to be too much of a PIA and now I'm paying for it dearly. I hope the queen recuperates tomorrow and takes to the treatment but it may be too late.

Given how much the rocks suck this stuff up I'm going to have to dose cupramine on a daily basis to keep levels between .4-.5.

Man this sucks.

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Sorry to hear. Seem like you lost a few really cool fish. I've been out for awhile from tanks. Have Moorish Idols become easier to care for? I remember them being a very sensitive species back in the day.

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375-500G Projected Build - need some input

They are sensitive because if you have aggressive fish they won't eat and die of stress and starvation or they get picked on. I haven't had a compatibility issue but damn disease picked up from somewhere.

It's either Brooklynella or marine velvet, hard to tell for me but either one is just as quick and deadly.

To the naked eye, my queen angel was fine 24 hours ago, today had a white film already on it. Unless he takes to the cupramine overnight I'm afraid he'll be dead in the morning or by the next day. Nasty stuff.

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Would adding them first to the aquarium help or would tangs and similar fish eventually cause them to slowly starve? It's amazing how quickly illnesses can spread in a closed system

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Would adding them first to the aquarium help or would tangs and similar fish eventually cause them to slowly starve? It's amazing how quickly illnesses can spread in a closed system

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Depends on the tangs you have. Yellow tangs and clown tangs I'd be careful with. They can be real aholes and pick at it. My blues, naso didn't bother him but the yellow would come around once in a while and try to provoke for which the moorish didn't do anything of course, they're way too peaceful.

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What do they typically feed on? They are so majestic. Will you be getting another one or too late in the ballgame due to your yellow tangs presence?

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Yes I'll be getting another one for not for another 2 months. I need to ensure whatever is in my tank that doesn't kill what's left dies. Go through so much trouble so keep perfect water parameters and use best design, hardware, to loose it to a damn disease that by the time you see it is too late. It's a real blow especially when there's not much you can do.

QT from now on - lesson learned.

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I'm considering setting up a aquarium for QT at the house. I lost a bunch of fish years ago. Bought a queen angelfish which was the "finishing touch" and it ended up spreading ick amd killing a few fish before it died itself. It really sucks but gotta get back in the saddle

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I feel you. Your running a UV? May have been mentioned earlier in the post. Sorry to hear about all the lost fish. It sucks :-(

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I feel you. Your running a UV? May have been mentioned earlier in the post. Sorry to hear about all the lost fish. It sucks :-(

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Thanks bud.

I'm not real convinced yet that a uv would help. I just posted a topic on this hopefully I'll get some responses from people who have experienced a similar case and whether their UV helped at all.

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I doubt it also. Maybe Ozone? Heard somewhere that it helps with diseases but never heard that before. I'm debating the UV because they told Me a system Would be like 3 k for my system

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I don't know about 3k but maybe 1500...check out aquav
For my system would be 750 so I'm not sure how 250-300g more would be that much more.

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I doubt it also. Maybe Ozone? Heard somewhere that it helps with diseases but never heard that before. I'm debating the UV because they told Me a system Would be like 3 k for my system

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Ozone supposedly brakes the cell down so yes it would work. But since ozone is injected in the skimmer that introduces another world of other questions. I'll have to read up on it, I also understand they are loud as hell which wouldn't work for me, I'll have do some reading.

The other problem is I don't know if it's brook or velvet, without a microscope and a gill scraping I wouldn't know and even then I may not have a clue what I would be looking at. I have considered it trust me since microscopes don't seem to be all that expensive at first glance.

The only aspect I have to go on is that from the moment I visually notice something is wrong it's already too late, they're dead within 24 hours which leads me to believe it's brook.

Right now I'm trying to not even look at the tank I'm so upset :(

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Totally understand. Give it some time to let whatever it was dissipate. Lots of these things have long shelf lives. Totally agreed with you on the UV. The guy at BRS told me I needed one that was 3 k. Grrr

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Ozone is usually used to break down organic compounds dissolved in the water. They don't have to be noisy as you suggest. Check out models for pools. Be careful as they can really hit the water hard. I only ever ran them at night to keep the pH up.

UV can only ever get some of the pathogens in the water. I have never been convinced of their efficacy. Others swear by them. I would think it would find more use on a quarantine system than on the display tank.

Ozone is usually used to break down organic compounds dissolved in the water. They don't have to be noisy as you suggest. Check out models for pools. Be careful as they can really hit the water hard. I only ever ran them at night to keep the pH up.

UV can only ever get some of the pathogens in the water. I have never been convinced of their efficacy. Others swear by them. I would think it would find more use on a quarantine system than on the display tank.


Thanks Dave.
Going to look into ozone options pros and cons.

I also just ordered some CP to treat the tank in hopes to save and eradicate whatever is on there, whether velvet or brook, let's see

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