375-500G Projected Build - need some input
So after much reading it looks like only real people using ozone these days are large aquariums...don't see too many threads on people using them anymore, not sure if because of loudness, complexity, or safety - which is a bigger concern for sure both for the fish and humans in the household but I just couldn't find much on it that's not 5+ years old. In fact several folks that used to make ozone reactors stopped making them because people stop buying them so that's a pretty good indication that many probably rely on GAC and a good skimmer.
CP on the way, lost all 4 butterflies in the last 2-3 days, hopefully the die off has subsided for now with the cupramine in the tank.
I'm hoping dosing CP will eradicate it, have read some excellent results out of using CP, although many are weary on blue tangs being able to cope with it. I don't have any wrasses so I'm good but I do have a blue tang, although I would think that a powder blue would be much more sensitive and problematic. My naso tang on the other hand has been a ok since day 1, this guy is the hardiest tang I've ever seen. Everyone was dropping like flies and he's just like give me some more nori.
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So after much reading it looks like only real people using ozone these days are large aquariums...don't see too many threads on people using them anymore, not sure if because of loudness, complexity, or safety - which is a bigger concern for sure both for the fish and humans in the household but I just couldn't find much on it that's not 5+ years old. In fact several folks that used to make ozone reactors stopped making them because people stop buying them so that's a pretty good indication that many probably rely on GAC and a good skimmer.
CP on the way, lost all 4 butterflies in the last 2-3 days, hopefully the die off has subsided for now with the cupramine in the tank.
I'm hoping dosing CP will eradicate it, have read some excellent results out of using CP, although many are weary on blue tangs being able to cope with it. I don't have any wrasses so I'm good but I do have a blue tang, although I would think that a powder blue would be much more sensitive and problematic. My naso tang on the other hand has been a ok since day 1, this guy is the hardiest tang I've ever seen. Everyone was dropping like flies and he's just like give me some more nori.
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