So I have a 275G tote sitting outside which I'm going to end up throwing out, because unfortunately with the amount of heat here in S Florida by the time I'm ready to put that water in the tank the temperature in that water has reached 82 degrees, while my tank is at 79, so not happening.
Instead, went with 2 Home Depot Dewalt heavy duty 63 gallon toolboxes, which went not in use stack up pretty nice and I can keep all my water changing and sand bed cleaning gear in there, plus water else I want really.
This is how I do either my 10% or 20% water change, depending on the need, which today is too early to tell as stocking is still extremely low.
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There is a thiel I believe it's called but you would need 2-3
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Yeah, I throw them in a washing machine after I have a set of 4 or 6 ready to wash, otherwise my water and electric bill would go through the roof if I have to wash once a day. So I pile them up in a 5G bucket in the garage after I've hand washed the crud out.
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Skimmer collection cup mod is bad a**!! Definitely gonna have to attempt something like that myself!
Switch to mesh. They are far easier to clean and you can get the same micron size. I have developed a sock holder of sorts that will actually make the socks more efficient while also trapping any detritus that gets through the sock. PM me if you want to discuss. I plan to make a DIY thread for it one of these days but I gotta find a block of time to actually write it up.
That's an awfully expensive vaaz.