375 gal peninsula build up pictures

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11182234#post11182234 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
It's so big and deep and relaxing.... Now I know how you could sit on your couch and watch while the 3 of us were buzzing around looking at this and that...

Eric, I am kind of flattered with your comments, but, lets take it easy now buddy, OK! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11180392#post11180392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WLDSHARK
The set up, rock, fish and corals look very happy in that monster of a tank...great job!!!
If you have kids they must love that titanic of a tank...
I have a 3 year old and he loves my 55, so I could only imaging that tank must feel like a trip to Sea World for your kids...…

Thanks, My kids love the tank, but they still think that they have a chance to go in a swim with the fish!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11181969#post11181969 target=_blank>Originally posted;/a> by racermike27
Wow Rogger!!! everything looks really great. I haven't been on the forum in a while and it was quite a shock to come back to this.
Everything looks really great, I would love to swing by to to see the new setup one day. All the livestock looks happy and thriving.

What did you do with the old system?


Hey Mike, Thanks for the kind comments you & wife are welcome to come by anytime.

Update pics

Update pics

Now that the tank is running I have started to install all the add-on equipment and computer controller. It's taken me 2 days to wire everything nice and I still have at least one more day to go.
The Aquatronica is already programed to accept the second power bar (Thank You Ray), one is installed in the stand and the second on the side of the canopy. I installed the controller LCD on the short side of the tank in plain view, it looks really neat.
Finally I was also able to fix the area were the old fish tank was, My wife is very happy to have that area again.
Here are some pics

Main power bar

this is the second power bar connected to the side of the canopy


this is were the controller is mounted



Kalk and Calcium reactor will be installed tomorrow.


finally the old fish tank spot is now part of the breakfast area again.

But aren't you afraid the kids will mess with the controls?

BTW, I'm glad to see I'm not the only maniac up at this time.

Sorry, Eric, I couldn't resist a straight line like that. :)
Roger very very nice my friend.
The amount of work into this build makes me think twice to start mine.

two aqua powerstrips now we are talking buddy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11186698#post11186698 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
But aren't you afraid the kids will mess with the controls?

BTW, I'm glad to see I'm not the only maniac up at this time.

Sorry, Eric, I couldn't resist a straight line like that. :)

I am not concern with my kids at all, they are pretty obedient when I set boundaries, however, I can't say the same for their friends, for that, I have the controller locked with a code. Nothing happens in the controller without you inputting the password first.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11186801#post11186801 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Roger very very nice my friend.
The amount of work into this build makes me think twice to start mine.

two aqua powerstrips now we are talking buddy.

The time spent setting this up has been very pleasant time so far, I look forward to getting home the minute I leave to work :D
there was no way to run this monster with only one PB.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11186886#post11186886 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
The time spent setting this up has been very pleasant time so far, I look forward to getting home the minute I leave to work :D
there was no way to run this monster with only one PB.

Your setup time has been short and work has been fairly easy, due to you already having most of the equipment and not having to build the tank/stand/canopy etc. from scratch! Some of the other folks building large tanks take months to build up what you did in a few short weeks.
Congrats! Tank is looking great! Next time iI'll over in the area I will give you a shout.
Rogger was able to purchase, the tank and stand used....none the less this tank was well thought out. He had been talking and planning this for a while.
It takes months for other people to build monster tanks but only due to most people have to wait to have the tank and stand custom built for them. Which might be considered easier since you are getting a custom build of what you want.
In a purchase like Roggers, you have to also be able to adapt to what you get. Also have you seen the plumbing job?
The plumbing was NOT over thought out. It's very simple and straight to the point... The previous plumbing was a maze and complicated. The electrical wiring was the same way.
Plus on this forum we have a pretty good group willing to help each other, which helped moving things along.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11187211#post11187211 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Rogger was able to purchase, the tank and stand used....none the less this tank was well thought out. He had been talking and planning this for a while.
It takes months for other people to build monster tanks but only due to most people have to wait to have the tank and stand custom built for them. Which might be considered easier since you are getting a custom build of what you want.
In a purchase like Roggers, you have to also be able to adapt to what you get. Also have you seen the plumbing job?
The plumbing was NOT over thought out. It's very simple and straight to the point... The previous plumbing was a maze and complicated. The electrical wiring was the same way.
Plus on this forum we have a pretty good group willing to help each other, which helped moving things along.
U forgot to mention the fact that there's a buch of drunks that would do anything for free beer!:D
LoL...funny thing, we are still waiting for the free beer.

btw....same goes for you buddy, if you need help...just put out the call. I will definately be there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
LoL...funny thing, we are still waiting for the free beer.

btw....same goes for you buddy, if you need help...just put out the call. I will definitely be there.
Mel is gonna be a while and won't be that swift like at Roger's 4 sure LOL
But yes thx for your help ahead of time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11186966#post11186966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wizsmaster
Your setup time has been short and work has been fairly easy, due to you already having most of the equipment and not having to build the tank/stand/canopy etc. from scratch! Some of the other folks building large tanks take months to build up what you did in a few short weeks.
Congrats! Tank is looking great! Next time iI'll over in the area I will give you a shout.

Hey Marco, you are right, this was relatively easy to set up, the previous owner did an outstanding job at building this tank.
My biggest challenge was to take it the extra mile and make it even better.
Stop by anytime you want.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11187796#post11187796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
Wow Rogger Tanks looking nice.....I have to plan a ride to come over and see it
Anytime Brian, Just call me up.