3rd Annual Diablo Coral Swap

Nick, Carlos and I all live in Coffey park area. So something around there or park the cars around Mary's pizza/jack in the box parking.
Nick, Carlos and I all live in Coffey park area. So something around there or park the cars around Mary's pizza/jack in the box parking.

Ill just pick everyone up, I was thinking. It will take at least an hour to get down there so if we leave by 9 or so we should have plenty of time to see colins tank and then be at Diablo by 11
Had a great time with all of the wcr members that represented today. It was great to see members wearing club shirts :) Not only did we represent, one member cleaned house winning numerous prizes including a Kessil 360 not mentioning any names (Carlos) LOL. Even after the swap was over we got a great surprise with a last minute sale at the table (inside humor for members that were there). Great time :)
How was the coral selection and what did you get? I like the bonus round that Nvr does...

It was good. The sps section was better than the zoas section. My first pick was the best (red Robbin sps) then after that I just grabbed items which may go into our meeting LOL.
Jason, all you need is the paletta pink tips, Clint's red stag and caution austera to complete the collection.
Colin, leaving me hanging on what happened at the end. Lol
Had a great time with all of the wcr members that represented today. It was great to see members wearing club shirts :) Not only did we represent, one member cleaned house winning numerous prizes including a Kessil 360 not mentioning any names (Carlos) LOL. Even after the swap was over we got a great surprise with a last minute sale at the table (inside humor for members that were there). Great time :)

Am no't going to lie it was AWESOME!!!!!
I won 30 plus lb of real reef rock
1 anemone
and a kessil A360
had a great time :spin3:
It was a lot of fun. Thanks for driving Robert. I'm still ****ed i forgot my shirt d'oh. I picked up a nice piece at the end and I think everyone walked away with a sand dollar monti.
Yea there were alot of sand dollar montis...i don't really care for that one too much but I'll give it a few months to see if it grows on me
Colin, leaving me hanging on what happened at the end. Lol

Adam had a side deal with Andy Uyeda for nice items. I asked if he brought extras frags which he did. Then it turned into black market swap meet at our table with members paying with paypal from their phones ha ha ha.
I'll try to get some pics up when I get home. I picked up a unknown milli, but I'm going to call it a volcom because I can read, a sand dollar monti, reeferitis2 these get cooler when the grow in a little because they will grow in perfect little circles, and a monti cap with pink polyps. The coolest thing I got was an OG garf bonsai in the after sale.
Dragon, those 2 you were worried that looked the same were they the same?

Lokii yea I'm going to let it grow out for a few months, the circle thing sounds cool
but I'm going to call it a volcom because I can read,

That was classic LOL

Dragon, those 2 you were worried that looked the same were they the same?

They all looked similar. You had to look at each one closely to see the difference. I'll wait to see if the coloration changes. Do you know a site or thread that he has pics posted of his corals? Just wanted to see how these looked in his tank. Thanks