4 year old Fiji Leather Developing Necrotic Tissue


New member
Hey reefers I need some help,

I have a four year old Fiji leather that has been thriving ever since I got it. Now there is some necrosis on a piece of the coral. Is the best possibility of survival cutting the infected growth? Dipping with iodide? This coral is not shedding it is necrosis without a doubt but still appears healthy.

Those who are experienced with this coral....What other methods have you guys used for survival?
So i cut around the dead tissue and some good coral. Did the iodide dip for 30 seconds on this part of the coral only... So far all polyps have extended... Lets see what happens in the next few days... Praying for a miracle. Love this coral too much.
So far no necrotic tissue is seen from the area that was cut. Coral is still happy. Still crossing my fingers.