400 Gal Reef Tank from Jakarta

I have made some changes in the coral set-up. Now become SPS dominated tank.

Some of my Acropora grew more than 2 cm within 2 months. Some grew less than 1 cm.

I will post pictures soon.
This Acropora sp. pic taken on early July 2006 :

By 26 August 2006, It's grew almost 1 inch :

SPS is really amazing. I decided to give aways most of my LPS to local fish store. And I bought some more Acropora from Bali.

The first wave SPS/Acropora starts on early July, second in mid July and third wave on 23 August.

Two Acropora sp and one Montipora died on early August because stung by LPS. Two other Acropora died because of strong direct water return.

Others are alive and growing. I have total around 70 SPS in my tank.
Water Parameter :
Salinity : 1.024
pH : 8.10 - 8.30
Alkalinity : 10.5 dKH
Calcium : 400 ppm
Magnesium : 1280 ppm
Phosphate : 0.2 ppm
Nitrate : < 5 ppm

Water Change : 80 Gallon every month

PS. Tunze Master Electronic 14000 lph broken and replaced by Tunze 9000 lph. This Tunze circulation pump are not reliable, three of my 14000 lph pump were broken within 2 months.
NICE new set up.
Is nicer then previous set.
since your set up, is in my mind that you will give up lps, cause all gadget you got is perfect for sps.
SPS more fun...

regard your sohal, dont you think its a bit to big?, cause sohal really aggresive.
good luck & keep updating

thanks for info about the tunze pump, im nearly order that.
Hello Pak Johan,

You are absolutely correct, Sohal Tank is quite large and aggresive. But I love it so much because of it's colors.
Hopefully she will not eat my SPS.

Another problem : my calcium is never above 400 ppm, eventhough I already use Ca Reactor + kalkwasser top-off.
While alkalinity at 10 dKH and pH at 8.30, which I consider quite normal.

Equipments should be avoided :
1. Tunze Master Pump 14,000 lph, 3 units failed due to the broken impeller.
2. Korallin Sulfur Denitrator 3002, pump is too small and always stuck after a few days of operation.
3. Aquamedic NitrateReductor, troublesome with doping food everyday.

Recommended Equipments :
1. H&S Sulfur Denitrator, do not need feed pump. Works very efficient. Reduce Nitrate below 1 ppm within one month.
2. Dolphine Aqua Sea Pump. Very strong and super quite.

Soon I will try H&S Ca Reactor and let see the performance compare to Korallin.


List of Biota :

1 Bicolor Angel - Centropyge bicolor
2 Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge bispinosus
1 Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus
1 Potteri Angel - Centropyge potteri
2 Squareback Anthias (Male) - Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
10 Bartlett Anthias - Pseudanthias bartlettorum
5 Green Chromis Damsel - Chromis viridis
1 Pictilis Anthias (female) - Pseudanthias pictilis
5 Purple Queen Anthias - Mirolabrichthys tuka
2 False Ocellaris Clown - Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Purple Tilefish Goby - Hoplolatilus purpureus
2 Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica
1 Sohal Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus
1 Chevron Tang - Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
1 Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon
1 Purple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurus
1 Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
1 Lineatus Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus lineatus
1 Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
4 Common Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus
4 Golden Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides phthirophagus
5 Royal Dottyback - Pseudochromis paccagnellae
1 Spotted Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus leptocephalus
Total = 54 Fishes

6 Cleaner Shrimp
20 Turbo Snail
4 Starfishes
70 various SPS
15 various LPS and Polip
5 Clams
Last edited:
Dead Fish:
2 Pictilis Anthias
1 Mistery Wrasse
2 Clownfish
1 Scott Wrasse (jump out)
1 Tilefish Gobies (jump out)
1 Blue Tank

Most of the dead fishes caused by two times main pump interruption more than 6 hours (at night) and one time I 'd accidentally drain-out all of water inside my tank.

Well, the Tunze Circulation Pump 14,000 lph is not reliable at all, three of my pumps have similar problem -----> Broken impeller. I think the 14,000 models has defect in the impeller design.

While the Tunze Circulation 9,000 lph is still up and running until today. Hopefully this model will reliable.

Dead Corals :
2 Acropora sp and 1 Montipora because stung by LPS
2 Acropora sp caused by miss placement in direct water return
Several LPS died with no reasons (Just dead after a few days after placement)
Doing great, Adrianto !

That Anemona (Entacmea quadriocolor - Bubble tip anemona, is I´m not mistaken) is absolutely gorgeous... For how long have you gor it and has it been moving around so far or it says in its spot ? They are quite resistant and very beautiful, but every now and then they decide to cruise along the aquarium, which could harm - a lot - the SPS.

And dont´t worry about having the Sohal eating the corals. That will not happen. But you might have to worry about its behavior with the other tangs...Sometimes they get really nasty.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8041821#post8041821 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PaulKlein
Bagus, bagus. bagus banyak:eek2:
Like to see this tank in real live. Hopefully i can come to JKT in jan. 2007.

Hi PaulKlein

Let me know if you are in Jakarta, you can come and see it live. PM me when ever you have time.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8041894#post8041894 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Joao Monteiro
Doing great, Adrianto !

That Anemona (Entacmea quadriocolor - Bubble tip anemona, is I´m not mistaken) is absolutely gorgeous... For how long have you gor it and has it been moving around so far or it says in its spot ? They are quite resistant and very beautiful, but every now and then they decide to cruise along the aquarium, which could harm - a lot - the SPS.

And dont´t worry about having the Sohal eating the corals. That will not happen. But you might have to worry about its behavior with the other tangs...Sometimes they get really nasty.

Hi Monteiro,

I got the Anemone around mid of July, since then it fortunatelly never move. I think because in that position the anemone got strong watermotion and also strong light.
Hopefully it will stay put for long time.

Thanks for the input for the Sohal. I like my Sohal very much. So far so good, no fighting yet with other Tank.

I amazed by your reef tank grow, what is your alkalinity and calcium level ?

This tank is recent and I´m only using a Kalkwasser stirrer, but as you mentioned, the corals are growing ok (some fast, some a bit slower).

As regards my parameters, before leaving the tank at my father´s care, when I went on holidays. it was kh: 9.5º dkh and calcium around 440.

When I came back (3 weeks ago) , it was kh: 5.5º dkh (!) and calcium 360 (something went wrong...)
Some corals started to receed a bit, but didn´t die

I didn´t panic, changed 30% of the waterand doubled the amount of kalk in the kalkwasser stirrer.

Things are comimg back to normal and this Saturday, it was: kh 7.5º and calcium 400.

But in 6-7 months time or so, when I set up the calcium reactor .. I hope to see some real growth !
Hi Monteiro ... Thanks.

I use Ca Reactor as well as Kalkwasser top-off. My Alkalinity is quite stable at 10 dKH, pH at 8.2. But my calcium level never above 400 ppm.

Calcium is vary between 390 - 400 ppm only.

I think my 70 SPS deplete my calcium very quickly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8043175#post8043175 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Adrianto29
I think my 70 SPS deplete my calcium very quickly.

That´s for sure ! I only have around 15-20 (including frags)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8043002#post8043002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Adrianto29
Hi Monteiro,

I got the Anemone around mid of July, since then it fortunatelly never move. I think because in that position the anemone got strong watermotion and also strong light.
Hopefully it will stay put for long time.

Thanks for the input for the Sohal. I like my Sohal very much. So far so good, no fighting yet with other Tank.

I amazed by your reef tank grow, what is your alkalinity and calcium level ?

Hi Adrianto,
that's fine. I'll let you know by then.
Terima kasih dan sempai bertemu.
Paul Klein
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8042960#post8042960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Adrianto29
Hi PaulKlein

Let me know if you are in Jakarta, you can come and see it live. PM me when ever you have time.


Sorry, took the wrong quote.

Hi Adrianto,
that's fine. I'll let you know by then.
Terima kasih dan sempai bertemu.
Paul Klein:(