400 Gal Reef Tank from Jakarta

zeospur bleach coral pak. harus hati2 dianjurkan sesuai dosis. tapi selama ini saya mesti sengaja overdose sampe 50%. akhir2 ini blm pernah coba dgn dosis yg dianjurkan.
Hi Adrianto,

As regards your issue, I have a kind of different approach.
The only thing I dose is kalkwasser. In the near future, I´ll also use the calcium reactor (yet to be connected).

The colours may not look so bright so fast as in other tanks that do Zeovit, Prodibio, etc., but I´m in favor of a more "natural" system and leting nature take its course.

So, I´ve never used any of those "miracle" products.

Beautiful tank, I hope my next tank I am currently planning looks half as nice as this.

Anyhow, your rotifer and artemia culture design, can you please give me some information on the design and how it is run and seyt up. I would like to give this information to the acrylic guy who is building my tank so he will make something similar if I can get enough information on it.

Your time is appreciated and thank you in advance!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8372278#post8372278 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Adrianto29
Despite of moderate lighting wattage but with quite low nutrient, I still can keep the bright coloration of the SPS :



nice size red carpet .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8506266#post8506266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mahlhavoc

Beautiful tank, I hope my next tank I am currently planning looks half as nice as this.

Anyhow, your rotifer and artemia culture design, can you please give me some information on the design and how it is run and seyt up. I would like to give this information to the acrylic guy who is building my tank so he will make something similar if I can get enough information on it.

Your time is appreciated and thank you in advance!!

Thanks for your comments.

The rotifer culture vessel is not worth it, I don't use it anymore. Instead I use just common 5 Gallon plastic container for my rotifer culture.

If you still interested with the design let me know, I will take a details pictures of it.
Well, I am most interested in the artemia setup as I hatch them to feed my corals and fish. I would love some information from you and maybe I can design myself something simular to work for me.

Thank you in advance,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8523923#post8523923 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mahlhavoc
Well, I am most interested in the artemia setup as I hatch them to feed my corals and fish. I would love some information from you and maybe I can design myself something simular to work for me.

Thank you in advance,

I will take the pciture and will post it as soon as I can.

For Artemia culture actually very easy, what you need is just Cola bottle, aerator and Saltwater SG 1.015, temperature 20 - 30 Celcius.

Put 1/4 teaspoon of artemia egg, wait for 36-48 hours ... done
The baby softies appear after 4 months (see the white circle) :

Filefish :

The Anemone never move from the fisrt day, it's getting bigger and bigger :
bad *** setup , certainly if this is not a tank of the month none is, bythe way there's some mad $$$$$$$ in there I hope u get some reatilers pricing LOL great joib