400 watt system over oceanic 58 gallon tank too much??


New member
just wondering if you think a 400 watt mh system would be to much for a tank with these dimensions = 36.5 x 18.5 x 21.5. i am
thinking of running a 400watt hqi radium set-up. would heat be major issue without a chiller.
it mite be but it all depends. why dont you do 2 250's instead of one 400. seems like maybe the end of the tanks wont get that much light with 1 400. do you have a sump hooked up too? from what i herd. halides run really hot.
I have 2 400watters on my 75 and no chiller temp 75wiyh lites off 78 when there on they are 10'' from the water hope that helps
I get 44" spread out of my PFO 400w HQI pendants, cant tell the difference with the naked eye, but the light meter can.
i have 2x250w halides on my 58 no heat problems and 2x36" vho's

as long as your setup is 10+ inches off the water it should be fine I think, fans work wonders
I have 1 150w de phoenix in a pfo mini with the bulb ~ 6 inches off the water. no heat issues except during a few hot days during the summer, but nothing a fan couldn't handle-always under 81. the outer 3 inches on each side of the tank are dimmer than the rest, but I can keep rics without melting them in this area, and clams on the sand in the rest of the tank, which is what I set it up to do.
I have a single 400W in a PFO pendant over my 58 and am very pleased with it. To the eye the ends are dimmer so there are no weird aesthetics issues to worry about. More than likely there is less light on the ends though but I have SPSs there that are doing just fine. Not everything needs too cook.