40breeder w/6105's??


New member
i have a 40breeder with a 40 gallon tall sump. im estimating the sump capacity around15-20gallons. im currently running a 700gph return ttwoaclear 30's. i have many sps frags, and a couple lps. mainly sps dominated. im hating the flow i have. it seems no matter how i configure, i cant get the right flow combination. so, after being told by many that tunze pumps are the way to go. im here!
also two korilia 1's

so one thing, im not really ummm "rich" lol. so keep that in mind.

im looking to use just two powerheads along with my two return outlets. maybe your multicontroller and two 6105's.

i open to many suggestions....

controlled or non controlled...


I think two 6055's would be the way to go, they are much stronger than what you have and I think in a 40breeder the 6105's are too much.
I had a 40b with two 6055's and it was perfect. I have the same two 6055's in a 58 Oceanic and they handle it with no problems. SPS, LPS, softies. You'll be suprised how much flow they put out.
I would agree. I rain a pair of 6055s and a 6025 or a 6045(cant remember which one) I believe in my old 58g with a Eheim 1260 return