spent all weekend building the deck, its all done except the railings which is great! All plumbing fixtures just went in so should have water running today. We now have 2 cracked windows so those have to be replaced, bring total up to 4 broke windows, one of which was our grand archway window that wasnt cheap.
Small stuff like towel racks and mirrors are all going in today.
We were lucky enough to finally! find our perfect couch. Its a large L shape couch made from this terry cloth feeling material almost. We have been looking for nearly 4 months and either liked the feel but not the look or vice versa. We were also lucky enough that the center table and 2 end tables matched our other furniture perfectly so bought the whole room set up. Not sure what you call them, but our entire table has a top that pivots up and over your lap while your sitting down, very cool.
Still no driveway, it rained about 3 inches sunday/monday so yard is drying out still.
Started ordering tank parts, trying to get some stuff used to ease the wallet pains, found 4 lumanarcs and a Deltec AP702 im trying to get. Also digging around for a sequence CL pump for a good deal.
New pics this weekend