Yes, I particularly like how he drew the deep sand bed.
What is the plan with the empty and holding tanks?
The idea is for all of the tanks to be able to be isolated from the rest of the system whenever necessary. I could, if necessary, hold system water (full of toxins or whatever) in the various tanks and do a progressive water change as fast as I can get salt mixed.
But in the early stages of the system, given that animal availability is never in the order that you want to introduce the animals to the display, the empty tanks are there to hold stock post-QT until the display is ready for them. I wanted them to be a decent size so that there shouldn't be a lot of stress issues for the animals.
I'd assume that in time they will likely evolve into more refugiums, though.
Also, are you worried about not having very good access to the two 90g's in the corner?
Not really. I'll just put stuff in there that I don't need to get to very often. For example, ozone running through an old, beater skimmer doesn't really need 4 feet of tank space.
Great build by the way. Sweet house too!
Thanks! I think we're going to like it a lot more now. There were some rooms before that just didn't make sense.
So, I wanted to take a moment to make some assumptions about system volume:
display = ~480 gals.
eight 90 gal. tanks = 720 gals.
sump (half full) = 90 gals.
total = 1290 gals.
Of course, that doesn't take into account that any of the 90s might be only partially full or any water displacement by decor or equipment, nor the water volume of the large overflow in the display (four 2" overflow pipes is the current thought) or the pipes, but that's getting into the ballpark.