Thanks, Jflip!
Well, okay. I feel like I'm losing momentum on this thing as I'm pretty frustrated over the tank builder. So, maybe I should start asking some of the questions I've saved up to ask when we're closer.
How about let's start with stock list? I'm looking for a relatively peaceful tank.
Corals. I already know that there will be a lot of Euphyllia along the short leg of the L. I imagine there will also be at least one claw in the mix somewhere. I'm a fan of hard corals, whether large polyps or not, and not really interested in softies. I'd like to grow corals into fewer, larger colonies rather than a lot of different frags. My lovely bride is not a huge fan of M. capricornis, but I saw a TOTM (this month?) recently that had several individuals growing on top of each other that I rather liked. Suggestions?
Motile inverts. I'm assuming that I'll start off with DIBS snails, letting them reproduce to the size of my algae problems. The DIBS ceriths tend to do pretty well in my systems, but I'll try to get hold of a fair diversity. There's a person here in Colorado that has Nassarius snails with non-planktonic larvae that reproduce really well in tanks, so I'll certainly try to get hold of a breeding population of those. And I'll certainly try to get hold of some of the mini brittle stars, as I feel that they are a fantastic member of the cleanup crew. I feed a lot, so I need sand cleaners. And I need the rest of the tank population to pretty much leave the cleaners alone.
Oh, I love conchs. So, I'm going to leave a lot of sand open so they can travel the whole tank.
Some cleaner shrimp. I like them despite the fact that they try to eat everything's eggs.
Fish? Again, fairly peaceful. The whole point of the really long tank is that I've always wanted to keep tangs. But, I've never kept any before 'cause I thought my 4' 120 wasn't long enough, so I'd appreciate feedback. I like the look of the multiple yellow thing, but it's been done _so_ often. Still, it's fairly tempting. I like the looks of nasos (tank may not be wide enough for 'em), achilles, kole, purple, etc.
Other than the tangs, I have an eight-year-old so I'm sure I'll have a pair of occelaris. In fact, I have a nice pair of B&Ws that seem ready for a new home. Thoughts on more than one pair of clowns? Or, the pair of B&Ws and a small harem of another damsel? I've heard good things about some fairly passive damsels lately.
I'm pretty sure I'll wind up with a pair of Bangaii cardinals in the display. Love them and feel obligated to keep trying to breed them. (Still 9 left on the first batch with _no_ added live food! :rollface: Still living with their parents. :eek1: )
Anthias. I feed often and my anthias have always done well in the past. I'm thinking about trying a largish number of Bartletts and possibly another species to set them off. I had a trio of Pseudanthias pulcherrimus in the past that I really liked, although they're pretty hard to find. Suggestions?
Wrasses. I wound up with a trio of solarensis wrasses in the last tank and would like to try something similar again. Love the six-line's, too, despite the fact that they're pretty much jerks.
I would like to try a pair of ochid dottybacks.
What have I left out?
Anyway, I'd love to hear suggestions and then maybe we can talk about introduction order.