430gal., L-shaped display

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new2sw776784--The tank's looking good! I hope it keeps up for you.

salt-moving dumbwaiter ???

I'll 'splain, I'll 'splain.... :)

I don't know if any of you remember from way back the beginning of the thread, but when we started this process I was having some pretty nasty back pains and that was why I'd given up a lot of the DIY on this sucker. One of the things that especially gave me fits was anything that would put a lot of torque on my lower back such as ... oh ... trying to carry a 55 lb. bucket of salt in one hand. What was particularly bad was trying to get said bucket o' salt down a flight of stairs. So, when designing the remodel I asked to get a dumbwaiter that would at least save me from having to take salt down the stairs to the basement. That's the mechanism. :)

The truth is, my back's been doing great since I figured out that I had a nutritional deficiency that was keeping it from healing up. I'm now back up riding horses again and I'm seriously considering taking a trapeze class to try to get back into flying shape. (http://www.bouldercircuscenter.com/) Ten years of back pain gone, two weeks after starting supplements. Sigh. Lost a whole decade.

But I don't expect this to be a short-term hobby for me, either, so I have to plan for the physical decrepitude to come.

This is an old photo, but here's the beginning of framing the shaft in the basement:

Thanks, y'all! John, it turned out to be a coenzyme Q10 deficiency. Apparently, this is a substance our bodies produce lots of until we're about 20 and then it tapers off until our only source is dietary. From what I've read, it's supposed to be what enables energy transfer inside cells and that has a lot to do with the healing process in soft tissue. Symptoms of the deficiency are joint pains, especially in the rotator cuffs, hips, knees, and low back.

I told you about the low back, an injury that never went away. After that, every time I would start an exercise program I would be fine for a few weeks and then I'd get some small injury, with joint pain that wouldn't go away. A year ago, I was swimming for exercise. Bam, a rotator cuff injury that never went away with persistent joint pain. I hated that because I was really enjoying swimming. I'd even get injuries just from walking.

Now I still get pains in my back and I still feel tense muscles, but the persistent 24/7 joint pain is gone and the other pains feel like they're getting better as I get back into shape. And I've felt that way for ~8 months now starting literally 2 weeks after started with the supplements.

Your mileage may vary. :)
I got some bad news on the aquarium today: When he was setting up the stand he didn't get the tank parallel with the plane of the wall. On the east side of the long leg, it sticks out by half an inch or so. On the west side, it's inside the plane by half an inch or so. So, now that they are trying to frame up the wall this has been discovered and become a problem. Tomorrow starts (hopefully) the scary process of setting up a whole bunch of clamps and getting a bunch of guys to slowly, carefully start trying to slide the stand back into place without overstressing the glass. Sigh. It'll never end.

More new photos:



Protection for the aquarium while they're framing:


Left rotator , right knee, and low back.
Started taking the Co Q10 yesterday.
Thanks Doc. Have you read up on CLA at all?
I Quess we should find a good nutrition forum somewhere.

trust me when i say this, it is always better to do all frame/plasterboarding etc for an inwall tank when the tanks is there. you would not believe how many times i hae gone out to setup a tank and they blame the tank builder for an unsquare tank when its actually the home builder that scrwed up. hance why you should always wrap the wall around the tank.
Ken--Good luck! I hope that it turns out that CoQ10 was your problem so it'll help you out! I hadn't heard of CLA, so I did a Google search. I worries me when the first three pages are ads to sell you the stuff but nobody will tell you what the stuff is. Sounds like some aquarium additives. :) But, from what little I can see it's targeted toward weight loss. Don't get me wrong, I want to lose weight. But, that's been happening as the desire to exercise has grown just because I feel better.

Anyway, do a Google search on the two. One gets a lot of people trying to sell you stuff. The other gets a lot of people talking about the science and a few people trying to sell you stuff.

amehel0--Thanks, but I'm not blaming him for an unsquare tank. In fact, it's remarkably square for tempered glass over that kind of length, IMO. It's out of the plane of the walls by an equal and opposite amount on either end of the tank, leading me to believe that it's remarkably straight, just not setup with regard to the walls around it. I can promise you that those steel beams around the tank haven't moved in the last week. :) Actually, the plane of that wall has been the master measuring point for every other wall in the house and _those_ are all straight. My construction guy allowed my tank builder 1/8" tolerances and he just didn't manage it.

It's actually been nice to have a builder who's been such a perfectionist. That way, I don't have to be. One of the steel beams in the kitchen was off by about two inches and he had the welders come back to cut it out and re-weld it. A pain? Yes. Would I have had them re-do it if I was in charge? Probably not. But, nothing else since then has been screwed up because that beam was in the wrong place. And it's mighty nice to know that I have a builder that's working to those kind of tolerances.

I helped to build my parents' house a long time ago and the concrete guys messed up and shorted the foundation pour by a couple inches on one side and it was a huge pain all the rest of the project. I have a feeling Stacy would have made them fix it before he started framing, whatever that would have taken.

Do you have pictures of your Aussie tanks? I'd sure like to see those....
Well as it turns out, it wasn't so scary for me at all. I came by today and they were just starting to set up the pipe clamps. By the time I came back by to check on them, the tank was moved and they were already on to starting the frame.

All lined up:


Starting to frame:


In other news, we have lights upstairs! AND, we have hot water! Though I don't think they managed to get the heat running today, I think they're trying to do that soon since we have freezing weather coming in this weekend.
So, we have heat though I'm not quite sure that it's working completely right. But it should keep the house from freezing.

So, new photos:

I think the highlights are in the fishroom:


It's starting to get messy:


The big UV on a cut-out loop (that bulb is going to be a pain to change):





The plumbing hasn't been glued yet, but things are looking much closer now.
Thanks! It's getting there. I'm feeling a desperate need to do something in the fish room but I'm under the weather again and can't even think of what to do or really muster a whole lot of energy. Sigh.
awesome build, just simply awesome! what type of silicon to they use to bond the seams? is it just regular old 100% clear silicon?
nemo's janitor--Ugh. I can't do the Red Bull. Too much sugar in there for me. Now, maybe an eight-shot espresso.... :) I'm feeling a little better. It rained _all_ weekend here and that at least let me get a lot of rest, though I think the whole family is bouncing off the walls of the rent house right now.

Looks like a lot of work this week, so I may not get as much done as I'd like. :(

salty55--Thanks! I didn't actually see the silicone tubes, so I don't know. I'll try to ask for you when I see the builder again.
Wow! The pace _really_ picked up today. We should be able to start moving stuff to the upstairs next Monday and the supervisor is shooting for a month before he starts sanding and finishing the floors downstairs.

Photos: http://www.ummfish.com/remodel.html

(Yes, I really did register that domain. I was updating my business domain the other day and figured, "Why not?")




Return lines from the basement:


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