Ken--Good luck! I hope that it turns out that CoQ10 was your problem so it'll help you out! I hadn't heard of CLA, so I did a Google search. I worries me when the first three pages are ads to sell you the stuff but nobody will tell you what the stuff is. Sounds like some aquarium additives.

But, from what little I can see it's targeted toward weight loss. Don't get me wrong, I want to lose weight. But, that's been happening as the desire to exercise has grown just because I feel better.
Anyway, do a Google search on the two. One gets a lot of people trying to sell you stuff. The other gets a lot of people talking about the science and a few people trying to sell you stuff.
amehel0--Thanks, but I'm not blaming him for an unsquare tank. In fact, it's remarkably square for tempered glass over that kind of length, IMO. It's out of the plane of the walls by an equal and opposite amount on either end of the tank, leading me to believe that it's remarkably straight, just not setup with regard to the walls around it. I can promise you that those steel beams around the tank haven't moved in the last week.

Actually, the plane of that wall has been the master measuring point for every other wall in the house and _those_ are all straight. My construction guy allowed my tank builder 1/8" tolerances and he just didn't manage it.
It's actually been nice to have a builder who's been such a perfectionist. That way, I don't have to be. One of the steel beams in the kitchen was off by about two inches and he had the welders come back to cut it out and re-weld it. A pain? Yes. Would I have had them re-do it if I was in charge? Probably not. But, nothing else since then has been screwed up because that beam was in the wrong place. And it's mighty nice to know that I have a builder that's working to those kind of tolerances.
I helped to build my parents' house a long time ago and the concrete guys messed up and shorted the foundation pour by a couple inches on one side and it was a huge pain all the rest of the project. I have a feeling Stacy would have made them fix it before he started framing, whatever that would have taken.
Do you have pictures of your Aussie tanks? I'd sure like to see those....