Updates, updates. Sorry, life's been really busy. Sigh.
The fish room is coming along. From what I can tell, the marine varnish they used on the wood is just about the most evil stuff in the entire universe. The first day, it stank up the _entire_ neighborhood. I still get a sore throat when I go in the house.
There's glass on the stand! No silicone yet, though.
Please note that the long bottom pane is not pulled up tight against the short pane, so the holes in the glass do not line up with the holes in the plywood.
We've been having some drainage issues that'll only get worse with the level of the soil rising to come up to about a foot below the porch. One thing we can't do is dump any water into that gray house next to us. So, the trench is there so we can pour a big footer for a retaining wall that'll also be the footing for a fence. We're going to take all of the water from the side yard and send it all out towards the big trees in our front yard. They'll appreciate it ... and the neighbors will, too. And maybe if I stop up the drain I could turn that whole side yard into a great big ice rink in the winter.
That's a seam between two pieces of glass. I think I'll let him seal that up (and add the top and bottom braces) before I add the water. Plus, the silicone needs a week to cure after he's put the last piece on. But, it'll be ready for a freshwater test soon.
I don't plan to add saltwater until the crew has finished sealing the hardwood floor as there's a waterproofing additive to the tung oil we're using. Might not be a problem but it can't hurt to be safe. I will be taping all of the tanks tightly closed before we get to that point, though.
So, the tank builder was in today to do some touch-ups to "make things easier for tomorrow." So, maybe he's going to add the braces tomorrow and start building the overflow. I do know that the system installer is coming tomorrow to start drilling holes for lines to the basement and to start making the plumbing. So, more photos tomorrow??
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