430gal., L-shaped display

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You gotta love those "ta da" moments. :)

Yeah, I'm really happy with the L. It would, of course, be nice to just go 4' all the way across but how horrible would it be to try to maintain that? Plus, there's just something really cool about the presentation on the L.

BTW, I don't know that I've ever mentioned it, but there'll be plumbing coming up on the end of the short leg, so that glass won't be see-through. But, the builder is going to add a mirror to that part of the aquarium so when you look at it from the living room that leg will look 8' long.
Interesting idea with the mirror. I had thought about doing the same thing...maybe putting the mirror at a slight angle so that you could never look directly into it...In the end, I never did it. I was concerned that it might drive the fish insane.
I was concerned that it might drive the fish insane.

Yeah, I worry about that, too. But it's only a small part of the tank and if it still becomes a problem then I just let corraline grow over that wall and the problem's solved. I wonder how a mirror will affect the light for the corals in that part of the tank?
Thanks, y'all. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm in my routine September rush for work.

So, big meeting today on skinning the aquarium (since we're all getting sick of watching silicone dry). Here are the skinning plans. The red dotted line is the aquarium glass.




So, more new house photos ( if you are interested, but let's talk about the fun stuff.

The tank builder came by this afternoon and almost finished off the bottom tank braces. One of them was a little too long so he has to go back and grind it down a bit. He said that he's planning to finish off the tank (top braces) by early next week, at which point he'd like a month for the silicone to cure before water hits the tank.



The fish room is also starting to fill up with stuff.


A big ol' union:


The UV sterilizer:




Pretty much time to clean this one up. :)

Overflows for the basement tanks:


Return pumps. Should be ~3,600gph flow through the sump:


Here's the mechanism for the salt-moving dumbwaiter:


Finally, I've hardly ever seen a more beautiful sight. A working toilet:

BTW, the reason that there are seven overflows and eight tanks is that the dirty 120 on the left is the water change tank and doesn't need an overflow.
Need to update that one of these days. I am through the cycle.

Have almost all my corals room for mabye 5-6 more select pcs. I am also getting my fish into place i am up to 1 yellow tang, 2 pink spot gobies and 2 false perculas. I think the next fish will be a powder brown tang. and then 1 or 2 more smaller fish and then it will become a waiting game. I got a killer deal on 9 SPS frags. Got em for 55 dollars. I couldn't pass em up.
no camera it broke and i am broke i got laid off and just started a new job that pays 3 dollars less on the hour so it may be a while i have some of when it was first set up i will post a link in a few mins.
Sorry to hear about your job troubles. I hope it turns out to be a good opportunity for you to find something you love to do. Sigh. I've been there, too. It was so bad at one point that all I could afford was a box of minute rice as food for the month. A friend got me a bottle of soy sauce :) , so it wasn't all bad. Good luck!
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