"Umm fish?"
Premium Member
Sorry, my camera's old-school. It only takes pictures. I would love to move up to the 5D Mark II, though (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/583953-REG/Canon_2764B003_EOS_5D_Mark_II.html). Have you seen some of the videos of the corals shot in macro? Fantastic! Go for the full screen version.
It almost makes me want some Xenia. Almost. Can you imagine, though: Videos of your hard corals feeding? Videos of copepods playing on the glass? Time-lapse clownfish egg development? Videos of bees pollinating flowers? If you have a coral spawn? Oh, the possibilities....
The butterflies have been slacking on their large Aiptasia eating. There's not a small Aiptasia left in the tank (they had started spreading before I got the fish), but they've slowed on the large ones. I'm probably feeding them too much. I'm pretty good at that.
It almost makes me want some Xenia. Almost. Can you imagine, though: Videos of your hard corals feeding? Videos of copepods playing on the glass? Time-lapse clownfish egg development? Videos of bees pollinating flowers? If you have a coral spawn? Oh, the possibilities....

The butterflies have been slacking on their large Aiptasia eating. There's not a small Aiptasia left in the tank (they had started spreading before I got the fish), but they've slowed on the large ones. I'm probably feeding them too much. I'm pretty good at that.