430gal., L-shaped display

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But, we've been vandalized. The builder laid out the aquarium plan on the subfloor again and look what happened:

I'm glad I got those photos. Something to show the police....

I tried to post it as an image in the thread but apparently I've been outwitted by the www. I thought the img /img trick worked on all photos, no?


Andy -

I still can't believe how quickly this is all progressing. So I think I've figured out the formula to keep 'em working so hard...you're giving them coffee in the morning and beer in the evening?
I found my wits after all...

This one is NOT a vegitarian....
Actually, cookies seem to work pretty well. :) Seems like a sugar crew.

I'd bring them beer on Fridays, but they only work half-days on Friday. (Yes, it's going this fast on 4.5 days per week.)
Me, too. The deep sea episode of the "Planet Earth" series has a section on vampire squid. They are so cool. The truth is, I could just watch that deep sea episode over and over....
Well, okay. Fair enough. The reason I didn't take a bunch of photos Friday was because I was acclimating these guys:


Acreichthys tomentosus filefish. They're supposed to be good aiptasia eaters but will accept alternate foods. But, they are supposed to be pretty easy to breed and to raise the larvae. At least one person in Germany has raised their larvae through metamorphosis.

I ordered these guys over a year ago and they just showed up on Wednesday. Lots of mortality in the shipment, but these four look good.

So, at least I had good reason to slack. :)
Lost all four of those fish, too. :( They seemed to acclimate well and were feeding, but they just didn't make it through the night.


Sorry that it's been a while. I've been busy with work.

But a lot has happened on the home front. The city required that we update the water line from the main into the house. Unfortunately, that completely tore up our front yard. The crew used that excuse to tear out the windows and floor on our front sunroom. It's never had heat, so we've been talked into using this as an excuse to pour a floor with radiant heat and insulate the walls.

The fish room floor has been demolished and dug down some.

While the plumbers were busy in the front yard, they also started putting in the plumbing necessary for the basement rooms so that they can pour basement floors next week. Including floor drains for the fish room and the basement bathroom!

With all the steel in place, the structure is much more sound, so the crew has started removing temporary walls inside the old building. Very exciting.

And, they finished the subflooring for the upstairs addition today so I have some photos for you with a whole new perspective.

And no, the crane in front of Green Mountain is not for my house. :)
I don't know. I had the order in for those fish for over a year before they became available. At that, the LFS got in 15 and I went and picked out 5. The next day 4 of those original 5 had died, so I took these 4. And now I've lost these. I think the owner said that made 1 or 2 fish surviving out of 15. Pretty horrible shipping odds.
This week on the remodel:

They just finished raising the framework for the last outside wall on the new addition. I believe that tomorrow they will start putting on the roof joists. In the meantime, they've removed the concrete floor in the fishroom and dug out about six inches of the underlying dirt. Now they've installed plumbing in the floors down there and moved lots of gravel. They need to lay heating pipes and then they'll pour pads for the whole basement.

The plumbers have started running the drain lines throughout and have also started installing the heating lines for the 2nd floor.

Very cool!
Thanks, Eric! It's getting there. I'm really happy that we're past most of the raw framing and starting to get into the details. I think the tank's roughly 5 weeks out. The architect won't approve the stand design until we finalize what the skin on the outside is going to look like (I don't really know what that's about :rolleyes: ).
Oh, I think he wants the aesthetics of the skin to determine how the function of the steel stand goes. Sigh. I think the underside of the skin is going to be lift-off metal panels (powder-coated stainless) as I don't need access too often, so I'm not sure I understand why it matters at all what the frame looks like.

Anyway, it'll all get done. I'm just antsy to get to the point that I can share some photos of _interesting_ stuff. I mean, house framing is cool to me, but this _is_ a reef board. :)

Thanks, Tanner! Hey, what kind of fiber arts do you do? I taught my lovely bride to knit a few years ago and she's off spinning wool and doing amazing stuff now.
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