430gal., L-shaped display

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i have a geothermal system in my house so i know a bit about how they work. the ground temperature of whereever you live at about 8 to 10 feet down will be aproximately equal to the average yearly temperature at your location. for example the ground temp here in south central wisconsin is about 55 degrees. the geo unit at my house extracts heat from the ground all winter, at about the 300 to 400 percent efficiency that was stated in the earlier post, and dumps heat into the ground in the summer when we need the ac. i cant remember what the seer rating of my unit is when doing ac but it was about 4 times higher than the new efficient unit i had installed on my last house. the only disadvantage to the units is they need to be put down deep and that horizontal placement needs alot of room. the trench for my exchange tubing was 10 feet deep and near 300 feet long.
Yep, or since I don't have a lot of land I have to go deep. I think I have to put three or four holes down 200 feet or so. I'm told that the temp down there stays a constant 38. Thanks, skanderson.
thats cool, hey does anyone know any of the details of installing a geo system on land that was used as a landfill? I will have to dig out the papers that they gave us about it when we bought the house; it contained info about installing a swimming pool/digging, on the land.
Ooo, that's scary. I'd make sure the digger company has good insurance! Other than my totally useless comment ( :) ), I can't really help you there. Sorry.
Aquarium-related news:

At some point when I wasn't paying attention, the building crew installed the steel supports for the aquarium.

Full view:

Left side:

Right side:

Attachment to the new concrete wall in the basement:


Here's a view of the new concrete wall (taken through the old coal shoot):
Thanks, teejo! We'll see though. :)

Today, the second steel aquarium support beam was installed, most of the outside sewer plumbing was installed (digging up more of the backyard), and ... we lost the back wall!

BTW, it turns out the big black pipe is an outdoor sump for the house. Any water that gets in there gets pumped up into the sewer pipes. I guess the geothermal manifold comes later.
I think the idea is that the water table is only about 12 feet down, and the basement is down about 10 feet. It's just a way to protect from flooding.
wow Andy extremely fast crew you should be done in no time. yes i to have 4 dedicated artist around the house too. is that jaws, dog puffer and a giga clam :D.
I think one of them is supposed to be a vampire squid: [urlhttp://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/deepsea/bathy.html[/url]. As if this were going to be a deep sea tank. :rolleye1: And a piranha. Sheesh. :)

I hope they're moving fast: my daughter is planning a Halloween party in there. I don't think they'll be done by then, but you don't cross her.... :)
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