~450G Display (~1000G system) documentary starting

Ya there is no such thing as final!

Got quite a bit done. Hooked all the phosban reactors up, hooked the calcium reactor up, built a stand for the topoff water tub (it goes over the saltwater for a water change), Vacuumed the starboard.

I have a video and some pics that I'll put up tonight.

This week I plan to get the chiller going and do the electrical stuff.

The cooperband seems to be doing well. He is eating fresh mussels like catnip and over the last couple days I've mixed in some PE mysis but he doesn't touch it. Gues I'll keep trying. He is now in hypo at 1.009 and has been since last Tues. I'll put him in the main tank right before I leave for MACNA. Hopefully he'll be eating frozen by then.
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Glad to hear you CBB is getting some nourishment. Just keep sneaking that mysis in the mussel and he'll eventually develop a taste for it. Stay on top of the water changes because those mussels can get messy.
Hmm,, 6 days without a update,, I know your doing something in that basement....

I fragged my Tort again tonight.. mounted this one diagonal.. good size piece... 2" plus.....

So GIT ER DONE! hehehe
OK I promise I'll post pics today!

I have been super busy with it to be honest. I got the electrical panel done, finished all plumbing except the chiller. Gave the inside a good scrape with a razor, cleaned the starboard, etc. It's turning out nice. I hope to finish everything electrical this week. I'm not looking forward to all the extension cord buying! That's one of the downfalls of having a big fish room. If you want to control everything centrally then you have lots of cord! All you can do is organize it.

Is there anyway to get PVC that is glued off. In the chiller there is a 2" elbow that is cut off. In other words the pipe is glued inside the elbow and cut off even with it. I can't cut the other side off either as it is right next to the actual chiller. I don't know if any of that made sense but bottom line is I have to figure out how to get that cutoff PVC out of the elbow. I may just bust out the dremel sander bit and see if that works.

Copperband is still doing fine in QT. He still is only eating mussells. I'm fairly sure he has eaten som mysis as I've chopped it up and mixed it with the mussel and he gobbles that up but if you do just mysis forget it! I've grown some live brine to almost aldults now (2 weeks) so I'll probably try them just to see if he'll go for that.
remove PVC glue? Uh...I'd like to hear a solution for that! :lol:

I guess a dremel would work but you'll have to have a steady hand! Maybe you could find a reducer fitting that would work?
You can cut the inside of the PVC on both sides to create two glued halves, then using a screwdriver, peel out the offending sections. The inside of the fitting will be pretty rough when you're done, but should still be useable.

I take it you don't have the option to just replace it completely?
Marc unfortunatly there is no way to cut it off and replace as it's right up against the chiller itself

OK onto an update. Made some huge strides last few days. Electric is about 75% done but I'll save those pics for a little later.

I setup all the Tunze's in the tank so I have 4 6100s with magnets and 2 waveboxes. Nice flow for sure. I have to get the penductors hooked up to the returns then we'll be rockin.

Anyway onto the pics. I left some of them really big this time as it's hard to see any detail when you shrink it down!

Here is a front tank shot


A little different here, from the back you can really see the PVC supports. I was cleaning the back glass.


A side shot


Some closeups



More to come later, ontp more electric, programming the aquacontroler, etc.

Oh I almost forgot I did get a cleanup crew in today. 100 astreas, 100 ceriths, 12 mexican turbos.
Nope no silicone on the starboard. It is starting to curl very slightly on the edges were the rock is far away but no big deal.

Colby (the copperband butterfly) is now in the main tank. I kept heim in hypo for 3.5 weeks then raised the salinity up over 3 days and put him in the display yesterday. He's doing well. Still a little hesitent about eating but definitly eating mysis when I blend it with mussel or when I trick him and put it in a mussel shell. If it's floating though he doesn't look at it. I'll continue to work with him as I'm at least seeing progress.

I did have 3 real small mejano's found on the giant rock and he took them out yesterday :D At least he's eating the bad stuff!

I put a couple tester acro frags in there also over the weekend. They seem to be doing well. Nice polyp extension, etc. The water is rock solid. I also did my first water change yesterday. ~60G or 10%. All went smooth and the system with plumbing worked great. It really is a peice of cake that took about 15 minutes with no worries of spilling, etc.

Speaking of I guess I'll start there.

Here is a pic of my water setup. The top container is for RODI. It has float valves connected to the RODI unit. I created a setup where it doesn't cycle often at all! (More on that in a minute)


OK so how does the water get to the sump? Here is a pic of the bottom of the top container.


The left is just a half inch bulkhead with a short length of pipe and a ball valve. It's how I fill the bottom container. On the right is a 1/4" tubing that leads to a solenoid (more in a sec) that is activated when the float switch in the sump is on.

Here is the solinoids. I have 2 for redundancy. If both failed open that would be major disaster! I've never heard of one failing open (only closed) but I'm not taking the chance!


From there it goes to the sump.


You can see my media reactors and then the calcium reactor in and out also. All the reactors (including the calcium) are fed by a single maxi 900.

The float valves are simply double for redundancy. One is ~1" higher then the other in case the first fails. I simply built a PVC support rather then worry about dtilling the sump of coming up with some over the side thing.

Ok so how does the water get to the top container in the first place. Well I have 2 solinoids on the input of the RODI then the output of the RODI goes here.
(Sorry for the crappy pic)


If you read back on page 2 I mention copying a design from TOTM to minimize the on/off cycles with your RODI. This does exactly that. The water enters the PVC through the blue ball valve. When the water level in the rubbermaid is low the water dissipates out through the holes near the bottom. When the water level is rising the air is forced out of the 2 check valves in the PVC. When the water level falls however no air can get in so while outside the water level goes down, inside the PVC the water level stays constent. Eventually when the outside water level falls below the holes the air enters (or more appropraitly the water falls out) and the float switch kick on and it fills back up to the level of the float switch. Works awesome! Now It only kicks on every couple days for about 3 hours ratehr then several times daily!
Also completed the electrical setup. Here is the full view with the cabinet closed.


Here is a closeup of the bottom part with the DJ stations.


And here is a view inside the cabinet. It's organized chaos!


I mounted all the TUNZE controllers and transformers under the stand.


On the upper right of that photo you can barely see the wavebox controller and the stream multicontoller is right beside it.

A couple pics of the cords going around! Spend a couple hundred just on extension cords!




That free cord hanging down is for the chiller which is the one major thing I still have to do!
That's one heck of a project you've got there Keith. I like your new auto top off system, very clever.

Fortunately for you, you're going to save a lot of money with those spiral compacts in the ceiling fixture. :lol:

Those cords are crazy.
So the aquacontroller is up and going and controlling everything now! I still have to mount it. That stupid 6ft temp probe is causing me issues. Why isn't it 10 like the others. Anyway only other major thing I did was run the air intakes for the becketts on the skimmer outside. What really drove this was noise! An Iwaki 100 sucking through 2 becketts sounds like a freight train! This quieted it greatly. It of course has great side benefits of bringing in fresh air which raises pH etc. but I did it for the noise!


Well that's about it for now. I'm headed to MACNA today. I can't wait to see my old buddies from DFWMAS! I haven't seen them in over a year. It will be great to see all my once a year pals also. It's funny how after you go to several you see the same people. I love it!
That Skimmer is insane...... !! we need to take 3-4 hours with tie wraps to your basement..LOL .. let me know when your back!

Looking really cool and fun. There is an extension for the temp. probe. You can get it from Curt. I had to for the same reason. Just be very careful about the connection as mine came loose one time and messed everything up. I alos got the PX-1000 and use it for an extra pH probe for my Ca reactor.
i love the topoff idea.id love to come over one day and take a look at your setup first hand.i just bought blfullers 500 gallon setup with the quad beckett skimmer,so im going to need some ideas on how to setup everything.im not sure i understand the topoff 100%.