470 Gallon Mixed Reef - nuxx Reef

How do you know what dinos look like?
I had been dealing with some kind of crap in my tank for months. It looked like mud on top of my sand and rock. Finally went away after I took out all the corals and kept the lights off for the last week. I first thought it was cyano but chemiclean had no effect on it.


This thread had my q&a with a few people.
How do you get rid of it for good?
Daniel. :twitch:

It was just growing on the eggcrate.

Ripped out the eggcrate and did a large water change.

Doing 3 days of darkness and also painted the eggcrate black.

Hopefully this will help...
Sorry guys a little boring over here...

DT has been in hypo for a few weeks now... lost the Tomini and Purple Tangs to aggression...

More on that later, but everyone seems to have calmed down and haven't seen any Ich in the tank. Going to run hypo for about 4 more weeks, then bring the salinity back up. Had a scare when I thought the Black Tang had spots, but def wasn't ich. Maybe wounds. They got smaller, didn't just fall off.

Might order some new fish in a week or two. Also after my snails and coral are done with their 12 week QT, I'll start getting some coral :)
Hey guys really slow over here...

Ordered another Kessil A360WE and will probably get 2 more to make a total of 6 in the next few weeks.

The fish are doing well in the hypo'ed display tank.

There have been two instances of spots on the Black Tang, but they are definitely not ich. More like it got in a little fight or scratched its head on the rocks. Just so easy to see anything on it's black body.

Will be raising the salinity back up in 9 days or so...

Since we're so close to ending hypo, I went ahead and ordered some fish to go into QT.

Will be trying the tank transfer method for the first time...

Ordered some fish from a new site called Coral Imports:

Got a large Lineatus Wrasse:

5 small female Lyretail Anthias:

Large Common Cleaner Wrasse (Had luck with our other Common Cleaner):

Here they are hanging out in a 20 gallon long QT tank for the first 72 hours of tank transfer:



In November I'll be over the 12 week countdown for my inverts and coral, and will return them back to the display tank and also buy more coral.

About time... :dance:
I've decided to drop the tank transfer method...

Just seemed way too stressful on the Wrasses.

I did the following:
3 Days in a 20 Gallon Long
3 Days in a second 20 Gallon Long


Then moved to a "permanent" 40 gallon breeder quarantine with biological filtration.

The first two days in the tank the fish were all pretty shy. Now on the third day all the Anthias are about and about swimming around, but the Wrasses still hide ALL THE TIME.

How long should the wrasses take to start being more social and actually swim around the tank?

All parameters are in check BTW...
Are they the type of wrasse that want to bury themselves in substrate? Have you provided them some substrate, even in a dish?

Do you have a YouTube channel? For some reason most of the videos and pictures you've posted don't show up for me. I wanted to be able to view them somehow

Using IPhone 6+ With IOS 8.0.2 if that matters

Great looking tank! I love that you are taking everything so slow an QTing everything, very smart IMO. I love your aquascape, lots of ledges, caves etc. Looks great!

Have you thought about an UV sterilizer to help with any further parasite issues?

Have you noticed any heat transfer from the Jebao DC pumps?

Have you started on the skin for the stand yet? I'm curious if you are doing the woodwork or if you are having it contracted out?

Truly a beautiful build and the 10 ft length of the tank is amazing!! :thumbsup:
Great looking tank! I love that you are taking everything so slow an QTing everything, very smart IMO. I love your aquascape, lots of ledges, caves etc. Looks great!

Have you thought about an UV sterilizer to help with any further parasite issues?

No I haven't... if something comes back, I'll probably add one though. I'm done doing something so drastic as hypo, never again. Just too much time... took forever to lower the salinity, now it's going to take forever to get it back up.

I will try to add more Cleaner Wrasses though. I love the one I have now, first to the nori clip, first to get food dumped in... also all the Tangs line up every night to be cleaned. I just bought another cleaner, but I killed him with an ammonia spike during Tank Transfer. From now on I'm going to just do the permanent QT procedure, and if they can make it through a low slowly risen dose of copper I'm sure they'll do well in the display. The one I just bought from Coral Imports was eating well and active right away. Just my inexperience at TTM killed it...

Have you noticed any heat transfer from the Jebao DC pumps?

Tank runs at 78.5-79.5 solid. Never goes up or down much. Having at least 11 Jebao DC pumps in there hasn't shown anything obvious related to heat.

Have you started on the skin for the stand yet? I'm curious if you are doing the woodwork or if you are having it contracted out?

Not yet, my wife hates my idea. We'll see how it turns out, I actually like the look of the metal of the stand. All our furniture is rustic, so there will be some metal exposed. Was waiting to wrap up the automatic water change equipment before skinning. Then hypo threw everything off. I know what materials I want to use now after taking my time, so we'll probably do it in the next month or two. My wife wants her dining room somewhat back to normal.

Truly a beautiful build and the 10 ft length of the tank is amazing!! :thumbsup:

Thanks... needs a lot more fish and coral :(
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly!! I know what you mean with the wife factor. My wife loves the tank but hates the time and money spent on the upkeep, new frags, new obsessions etc.... But, she has time for her junk TV and shoe collection. So I guess its a trade off.

I am in the process of building my next level tank. Moving up to a 180. So I am constantly searching for a better way to do it right the first time and only do it once.

Keep up the good work and I will be following along!
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly!! I know what you mean with the wife factor. My wife loves the tank but hates the time and money spent on the upkeep, new frags, new obsessions etc.... But, she has time for her junk TV and shoe collection. So I guess its a trade off.

I am in the process of building my next level tank. Moving up to a 180. So I am constantly searching for a better way to do it right the first time and only do it once.

Keep up the good work and I will be following along!

Will do :)

I'm just too anal about how everything needs to be done... drives her nuts. I also don't like being watched doing things, especially when there is an issue.

So I'll say it's more me haha

I told her she should do the next batch of quarantine :P
Sorry for the long break in updating the build...

Been getting a new business off of the ground, which is reef related and will probably be sponsoring Reef Central in the new year :)

As far as our tank goes, not too much going on...

Been raising the salinity up in the display from hypo levels and we're up to around 1.020 right now. Should be back up to the 1.025-1.026 range in a week or two.

As hypo ended I had a large growth of green algae, not thick, more like coralline. It got kind of wild, but the tangs have now developed a taste for it and are beating it back.


The original plan was to get more fish in the tank quick to distract the tangs from each other, which led to ordering the 5 Lyretail Anthias and the large Lineatus Wrasse.

... then we decided we needed more fish while having a drink at our local beer pub... great ideas always come from that...

So I tossed two more quarantine tanks together and gave them about a week to cycle...


Used a bunch of different bacteria to "seed" the tanks. Also used some filter media that was in the sump of the display. Then filled the tanks with display water.

Went ahead and ordered some fish straight from a collector in Hawaii I had been talking to for a few years. Main reason I was using him was that he had access to small Crosshatch Triggers.

So we ordered a few fish from them, but a few weren't available and he made subs. Ended up with a small Crosshatch Trigger Pair (3.5-4"), 3 Flame Wrasses and a Potter's Angel.

Made the mistake of putting the Potter's in with the Crosshatches, they definned him overnight, and it died after I moved it to the Flame Wrasses tank.

Also ended up with Terminal, Male and Female Flame Wrasses. The Terminal killed the Male in short order.

Left with the Crosshatch Pair and now the Terminal and Female Flame Wrasses. They were all a bit rough, but seem to be making a nice turn around in quarantine.

I also noticed that the ammonia was never 0'ed out, so I tried some Instant Ocean Bio-Spira and it nuked the ammonia overnight. Haven't seen any since I added it.

In Quarantine I'm treating with ParaGuard for 30 days straight, dosing every day. This should take care of most things that could pop up. Also running two to three rounds of PraziPro.

All the new QT'ed fish should be going into the tank around the beginning of December.

Also in late November I can move all my inverts, chaeto and coral back to the display after a 12 week fishless quarantine in the frag tank.

After our trip to Maui in the middle of December I'll order a bunch more coral, inverts and some more fish as well :)

Here's a video of the small Crosshatch Pair eating:

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Hi Peter,

i am not sure if you should continue posting pictures like that. It makes me feel like i have to do some reef-shopping or do some changes an my reeftank just for fun :rollface:
