480gl elos braceless earthquake trap

Sump built for me by Gen at Kritters, 60"x 30" x 24" with 8" partitian length wise. All the drains come in then water flows 5ft, then comes back 5ft, passing through live rock in main body of the sump (haven't added much rock yet). Traveling 10' should help microbubbles. Pretty messy right now as I'm redoing the shelf i had to hold filter material that was too small (was only 15" long). I'm making a new one twice as long, hopefully work better.

Maximus; the device on end of returns is eductor. Helps me lower the water throughput in DT from the Hammerhead return yet add flow to the DT. I took one off on the go one time and just about overflowed the tank before i could get it back on. That Hammerhead really cranks out water when less back pressure.
Beautiful Tank! Gen built my sump as well...he's a great guy. Did you have your tank filled prior to our recent 5.6 quake? How'd it do?
You may notice from the pic's that i'm a pretty sloppy plumber. However, many tips here on RC have helped me tremendously. One thing I'd like to pass on is regarding threaded connections. I had many in my closed loops and used plummers paste (not putty). It soft sets and is useful. However, i was afraid I'd have leaks so didn't fasten anything down and tested. Everything was fine, so bolted 'er down then they almost all leaked. I think when i bolted them down i twisted them and soft set unset. Big PITA redoing them.
tbone; Thanks, you put me on to AGE stand, so thanks for that too, they seem to have done a good job at a good price. The tank was full but it was a pretty gentle rocker, although certainly easily felt, where I am. Couldn't see any differential water movement. Gen was great to work with. I think he mixed up my assertiveness with me knowing what i was doing and followed my instructions pretty closely. I think I would have been smarter to do more listening to the expert, but all seems to be ok.
tylorarm, very nice aquarium and thanks for the compliments! I am very glad to see a nice big rimless tank bigger than mine. ;) It shows you the potential of some rimless aquariums. I bet it looks great from top-down. Cant wait to see it with your live rock and livestock. Keep the pics coming.
thanks, moving slowly but surely. Rock is now sitting in my driveway. I have shelving system i've been working on but not sure if it'll make the cut. Only stubborness has kept me working on it to this point. i want to be able to remove any rock without others falling or being adversely affected, dare to dream...
What precautions can you take with a tank like that in earthquake country?
I'm drooling....... Awesome!!


you will surely have an amazing piece of the ocean in your home, very nice job, I can only dream about having tank this size with all the gadgets you have at the moment.

Its truly hard to understand how large this tank is, I have an acrylic 240 which is 8x2x2, this is two of them side by side :eek: ITS HUGE!!!

Good luck with the new tank!!!
Yeah I woluld'nt use pipe dope I would use silicone IME with plumbing nipples into pool pumps.
Wow!! Elos rimless tank of this dimension! Cant imagine how nice it is!!! Subscribing for this fabulous thread! Everything looks great! :)
Unreal tank. Looks awesome. Love that look. Can't wait to see another beautiful slice of the ocean...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11123407#post11123407 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tylorarm
tbone; Thanks, you put me on to AGE stand, so thanks for that too, they seem to have done a good job at a good price. The tank was full but it was a pretty gentle rocker, although certainly easily felt, where I am. Couldn't see any differential water movement. Gen was great to work with. I think he mixed up my assertiveness with me knowing what i was doing and followed my instructions pretty closely. I think I would have been smarter to do more listening to the expert, but all seems to be ok.

I don't remember talkin to you about the AGE stand :D LOL. Tom says that their stands are given a "stamp of approval" by an engineer. That was comforting to me. Which LFS did you end up ordering your stand through?

Can't wait to see you aquascape and stock your tank!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11123291#post11123291 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tylorarm


Great build so far. Can't wait to see what you do for aquascaping.

One word of caution however, be sure to cycle those ball valves everymonth or so. I've used them in the past and didn't. When I needed them, they wouldn't close. Ended up breaking either the ears off, or the stem.

Thanks for the tip on those ball valves. The ones above the sump in the picture are for controlling flow to the 165gl cistern in the garage. I have another ball valve after a T from the return pump that controls flow level, these ones control direction. The thought is i can maintain same flow but re-route water to the sump during water changes. I will stick to my monthly W/Cs, and that should help, but I noticed already that I could barely turn the one with both arms.
Here's a pic of the cisterns (also known as plastic water tanks) in the garage. The one on the left is plumbed into the system, the other RODI. I have 150glpd RODI unit from the filter guys on wall to the left.
have to say I wish I had that kind of money to buy something that wonderfull:mixed: I think I would go diving in it:rolleye1: