480gl elos braceless earthquake trap

I was wondering when this tank would pop up. When we picked up my tank at Jesse's, my buddies and I had to move yours. Let's just say that 5 guys could barely move it from one pallet to another. I feel for your movers.

Also, did your movers just muscle that beast up, or did they use a genie lift? Just wanted to get some idea because 9 of us had a heck of a time just getting mine out the back of the truck.
Love the tank. Nice size. I also live near the Hayward fault. It actually cuts across the bottom of the hill. The last quake shook the house pretty hard. Tank didn't even skip a beat when I went downstairs to check on it after it stopped.
Bricky; movers (Crown Relocation) took a couple of stabs at it. First time they were under manned and ill equiped. They took a step back, added a bunch of guys and glass suction cups. The had a couple trolleys and blankets, but other than that it was done with manpower very carefully and slowly. I had a couple They ended up doing a very professional job and worked very hard on the client service end.

Ebisan on Earthquakes; I haven't done so yet but before i skin the stand I plan to add angle iron to each corner holding the tank on stand, with rubber pad in between metal and glass. I plan to have the skin go above the glass a bit, and further box things in. The skin will also be attached to the 1.125" plywood base, which is a worry point in time as hate to see what would happen if earthquake shook the stand off the base and it fell 1.25".
WOW! This proves to be one nice build thread! I'm looking foward to seeing that light fixture fired up. Nice tank dimensions! Looking foward to more pictures!

Can't wait to see pics of this big dog filled up and with some beautiful corals, fish landscaping, etc..

I almost had a heart attack looking at the pic of the movers wheeling the tank laying on its side on the dolly. I don't think I could have watched it in person without going over the edge.

Congrats tylerarm!!!


FishTruck, I'm monitoring humidity. I have dehumidifier but don't run it often. 1926 house so a lot of drafts, fresh air whether i want it or not. Also have a large atic fan to push out air if needed. So far, so good. Fishroom is sealed to outside but has window open at all times, and large fan (2200 cfpm) forces air outside and replaces with air from crawl space below house. More humid than house, but seems ok so far.
More pics: Bubbleking gravity fed now (after a few failures) and working great

Marco's rocks; structures designed to work over closed loop boxes were preassembled on my deck. Basic structure is PVC with very strong polyethylene shelf on top. I cable tied a ring of rock around outside (some drilled and some had natural holes). Then filled in the secured ring of rocks with other rocks not attached. Here's what it looked like before i put them into tank:
Man that is one nice indoor swimming pool!!!

I know sone and his tank is nice, but this thing is just a Tank of the month in the making...keep up the good work!
I know, I know, too high and too symetrical. However, I can cut down the height easily enough if needed, i hope coral growth gives me that problem. I also plan to have less vertical corals on top and stags on middle rocks or lower, but we'll see how it evolves.