Bricky; movers (Crown Relocation) took a couple of stabs at it. First time they were under manned and ill equiped. They took a step back, added a bunch of guys and glass suction cups. The had a couple trolleys and blankets, but other than that it was done with manpower very carefully and slowly. I had a couple They ended up doing a very professional job and worked very hard on the client service end.
Ebisan on Earthquakes; I haven't done so yet but before i skin the stand I plan to add angle iron to each corner holding the tank on stand, with rubber pad in between metal and glass. I plan to have the skin go above the glass a bit, and further box things in. The skin will also be attached to the 1.125" plywood base, which is a worry point in time as hate to see what would happen if earthquake shook the stand off the base and it fell 1.25".