5' X 5' Cube - 500 Gallon system

Wade, looking great! Any pics of the tank from a little further away? It is hard to tell how big it is. Also, it would be cool if you had a small rock structure in the center of the tank with your corals on both sides & the top of it & the rest would be all swimming room.
My tank for instance has too much rock & it seems that all of the tanks that I really like on RC don't have overkill rockwork. Less is better!
Thanks for the nice comments.

Briankook - I agree with you 100%. Less is more when it comes to aquascaping. I am just getting started on the aquascaping. All I really had time to do this weekend is convert everything over to a point that it could survive. Now I need to rearrange and aquascape everything. The CL island is going to be just what you described above. I need to get a few BIG pieces of LR first.

I take some more pics soon and post em...
Wade man your tank is awesome!!! I love the dimensions!

Re the aquasape, I hope you keep alot of open space, it looks more realistic that way. I will be following your progress closely as I am planning a semi-cube myself, keep up the good work!

I'd like to know what bulbs/ballasts you have on the right side? (blue)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7566211#post7566211 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ceak
Wade man your tank is awesome!!! I love the dimensions!

Re the aquasape, I hope you keep alot of open space, it looks more realistic that way. I will be following your progress closely as I am planning a semi-cube myself, keep up the good work!

I'd like to know what bulbs/ballasts you have on the right side? (blue)

Thanks! I definatley have my work cut out for me on the Aquascaping. I will not stack any rock against any of the sides. I want to try and form some sort of a canyon in the middle using the CL Island for part of that effect. I just need alot of time and more LR. :)

The ballast on the right is a standard PFO (not HQI or anything). The bulbs are Blueline 10ks. I bought this dual setup used and those are the bulbs that came with it. In the future I plan on trying the Coralvue Reeflux 12ks. I run the Coralvue Reeflux 10ks right now and am pretty happy with them.
This is the type of Aquascaping that I want to do. Nice and clean...

Of course that tank is famous!

I also like cward's and Steve Weast's aquascapes alot. Those three tanks and now yours are my idol tanks. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7566504#post7566504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ceak
Of course that tank is famous!

I also like cward's and Steve Weast's aquascapes alot. Those three tanks and now yours are my idol tanks. :D

That is funny you say that because those are the tanks that I drew my inspiration from for this tank. I am not even close to those tanks...Yet... :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7558234#post7558234 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wade2185


What is that low light, bubble looking, coral under the over hang?
Where did you get it?

By the way, VERY NICE WORK so far! I really like the aquascaping. I am going to go with the "less is more" attitude in my next tank and have as little rock as possible.

Keep up the good work and please keep us updated with pics.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7566636#post7566636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWaters
What is that low light, bubble looking, coral under the over hang?
Where did you get it?

By the way, VERY NICE WORK so far! I really like the aquascaping. I am going to go with the "less is more" attitude in my next tank and have as little rock as possible.

Keep up the good work and please keep us updated with pics.

I do not really know what it is called. I got it at my LFS and have had it for 2 years now. I will ask them the name...

Thanks for the compliments!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7571620#post7571620 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltyFISHscales
WOw, that picture is intense!!! Did you take that photo with an under water camera? That's some nice aquascaping!

Thanks for the compliments. That picture is just from the side of my tank. Nothing underwater or fancy. I am going to try and do alot of aquascaping this weekend. After I do I will post some more pics.
wade2185, the pics look great!
Just curious, does your overflow handle a lot of flow? Is it easy to max them out with your return pump? The overflow looks like it can handle a lot.