5' X 5' Cube - 500 Gallon system

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7584200#post7584200 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Briankook
wade2185, the pics look great!
Just curious, does your overflow handle a lot of flow? Is it easy to max them out with your return pump? The overflow looks like it can handle a lot.

I have 4 1" drains with the AGA megaflow kits. They are working very well. I estimate that they can handle around 3,000 GPH of total flow. My pump is feeding 4 returns and I think I lost alot of flow because I went from 2 1 1/2" returns down to 4 3/4" returns. But overall I am very pleased with my flow. I am do not want to return to much through my sump because of micro bubbles.
Great tank Wade! While I'm setting up a small system now (36Lx24Wx18H), SonOfGaladriel's cube tank (as well as his future plans!) have inspired me. My next tank will definitely be something like what you have here.

I'm a big architecture geek and I think you've done an excellent job with your aquascape! What sort of stocking are planning on?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7614782#post7614782 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMonkey
Great tank Wade! While I'm setting up a small system now (36Lx24Wx18H), SonOfGaladriel's cube tank (as well as his future plans!) have inspired me. My next tank will definitely be something like what you have here.

I'm a big architecture geek and I think you've done an excellent job with your aquascape! What sort of stocking are planning on?

Thanks for the compliments! I have had alot of fun setting this tank up so far...

This is mainly going to be an SPS tank. For fish I currently have the following:

2 - Rabbit fish
1 - Vlamingi(?) tang
1 - Chevron Tang
3 - Anthias
2 - Clown Fish

I am going to add more Anthias and some Chromis. I want the Anthias and Chromis to hang out and school together. I still want to add more rock and "perfect" my aquascaping further but I think I am off to a good start so far.
The chromis will not school. They'll hang out for a bit when first introduced and maybe a bit longer if they're still immature, but they'll start picking each other off.

Check out Apogon parvulus, the red spot cardinal, or Apogon leptacanthus, the glass cardinal. The red spots are very tiny and hard to find in the trade as they don't ship well. Glass cardinals are more common and should be readily available. Those and anthias are probably your best bet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7615598#post7615598 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMonkey
The chromis will not school. They'll hang out for a bit when first introduced and maybe a bit longer if they're still immature, but they'll start picking each other off.

Check out Apogon parvulus, the red spot cardinal, or Apogon leptacanthus, the glass cardinal. The red spots are very tiny and hard to find in the trade as they don't ship well. Glass cardinals are more common and should be readily available. Those and anthias are probably your best bet.

Thanks for the info! I am very "Green" when it comes to fish. If you were doing a tank like this how would you stock it? I am open to any and all ideas/suggestions at this point.
I added 5 chromis to my 50 cube originally. They kind of stay together but that could just be b/c they dont have a lot of room to get away from each other. :D

If you do decide on chromis, I would order a large amount. Like 30 or so at once. They WILL pick a few of themselves off over time. Mostly the weaker ones. I mistakenly tried to add two more to my tank and they were killed (by the other chromis) within a day or two. The original 5 dont bother each other. Just dont add a few at a time over time.

If you have any fish that like to chase the chromis, they should stick together a little more. Its probably hit or miss.

Anyway, IMO, I like chromis. I like cardinals too.
Dangerous question :) I'm a little nutty about fish keeping in that I almost exclusively prefer reef-dwelling fishes with small natural ranges comparable to that of an aquarium.

You've got a couple of big tangs, I personally wouldn't add any more. I would maybe think about adding a nice dwarf angel (a Pygmy, Coral Beauty or Flameback) or maybe a pair of Genicanthus angels (Watanabeis, Swallowtails, etc.) if you just must have more large fish.

With such a big tank I would get fish that are out in the open a lot. For me, this would mean a half-dozen or so more Anthias to form a nice little school and then grab another half-dozen or so Glass Cardinals.

To round it out, I would probably get a few other fish that would stay in and around the rockwork and surprise you with an appearance now and then. Since you've got some bigger fish, I would go with something that's not gunshy. That rules out Assessors, some of your funky Wrasses (also open top, yes?), Basslets, etc. Maybe an Orchid Dottyback or a Grama, a Goby or Blenny (Midas!) and/or a Pistol/Yasha combo. Keep in mind small fish will easily get lost but still could be interesting.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7615875#post7615875 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMonkey
Dangerous question :) I'm a little nutty about fish keeping in that I almost exclusively prefer reef-dwelling fishes with small natural ranges comparable to that of an aquarium.

You've got a couple of big tangs, I personally wouldn't add any more. I would maybe think about adding a nice dwarf angel (a Pygmy, Coral Beauty or Flameback) or maybe a pair of Genicanthus angels (Watanabeis, Swallowtails, etc.) if you just must have more large fish.

With such a big tank I would get fish that are out in the open a lot. For me, this would mean a half-dozen or so more Anthias to form a nice little school and then grab another half-dozen or so Glass Cardinals.

To round it out, I would probably get a few other fish that would stay in and around the rockwork and surprise you with an appearance now and then. Since you've got some bigger fish, I would go with something that's not gunshy. That rules out Assessors, some of your funky Wrasses (also open top, yes?), Basslets, etc. Maybe an Orchid Dottyback or a Grama, a Goby or Blenny (Midas!) and/or a Pistol/Yasha combo. Keep in mind small fish will easily get lost but still could be interesting.

Thanks for the info! I do not plan on adding anymore tangs. The Vlamingi and the Chevron are two of my favorite fish and that is one of the reasons I made such a big tank. I have ruled out wrasses because of my open top and my carpet anemone. The only exception to that is the "Mystery Wrasse". I really would like to have a Mystery Wrasse. I have also been thinking about a blue spot jawfish. They are very interesting. I am going to go to the LFS tonight and see if they have any Anthias in stock.
Did you ever get any anthias? Shawn had a ton of awesome ones in the past couple of weeks. He even had ones that I've never heard of. Very cool.
I love that scaping. It's given me a few ideas - my tank has only been setup for a year and already I'm getting itchy tank fingers!

Any more pics to share with us guys and gals from overseas!
Beautiful tank! I have a 5x5x30 glass tank from IA that I will be setting up for sps soon.

dave :thumbsup:
Thanks for all of the compliments. I have been having alot of fun with this new tank and I am learning alot as well. I will update this thread with new pics once I fix my broken camera...

Ryan - I bought the two Anthias that Shawn had at Aquatica. Unfortunatley I could not get them to eat and they both died. I am really bummed.
Just would like to give you mad props!!! This tank is KILLER!!! I have long been planning and dreaming of a 4'x4' tank.

This will be one for the books when it is complete.

Great Job!!
Thanks for the nice comments. I really appreciate it. I cannot wait to get my camera fixed. Things have gotten ALOT better over the last 3 months. I will post some updates in the future.