5 year old Greenhouse Update

I live in the area and have always wanted to come make a visit. Is there anyway to set that up? Also, I noticed from your name (Dendronepthya) and avatar that you likely have an interest in non-photo corals. Are you guys trying to keep them at your greenhouse too?

I drove up there from Ashland county, it is well worth the trip to his place, nice setup, very nice people.
Thanks guys. We can set up visits on the weekend for locals, that's no problem. Just send me a PM and we can work out a date and time. I will be on vacation this upcoming week that's all.
Worth the drive, Travis and I did it 4 years ago, and was worth it then. All the way from Sioux Falls, SD and many many moutain dews and rye crisps....great rode trip...
Awesome thread. I shop from a local guy that runs his coral out of a greenhouse but his set up is nothing like what you have here.
New Toy

New Toy

Slightly off topic, but I picked up an underwater housing for my Panasonic GF-1 camera. It's is mainly for when I go diving or snorkeling, however I tested it out at my greenhouse today:



The controls of the camera took a little while to get used to, but I think with a little bit of practice it will work out ok.

This is a problem a lot of folks have when a top down shot. The reflection of the lights can be an issue.

This next shot is of the same mushrooms down there in the previous image, but from underwater.

Some other pictures that came out pretty well :)




This camera setup probably won't replace my Canon setup for photographing corals, but it was fun to play around with, and it is a different perspective than I normally am able to get.
You are more than welcome to stop up and see the place. The orchids are doing ok, but they are getting squeezed a bit. We moved a bunch of them out to make room for the most recent 1000-gallon system. They do really well in the spring and fall, and probably really enjoy the humidity in the greenhouse all year round.

I forgot to upload these last two pics. I took a couple pictures of the fish in my 300-gallon rubbermaid tanks. They looked really confused because they aren't used to people sticking large objects into their home!


Do you know how much UV gets through your greenhouse to the coral? I have heard many times that without UV, many corals don't color up. While that sounds reasonable, it could be another reef myth for all I know.

Didn't you mention at one point that your corals seem to get kinda drab in the summer?
Absolutely stunning! I love the set up, I have never seen anything like it! Amazing photos and variety of coral! Do you happen to ship haha!
hi! I really like your GH and the result you can get with it.

and what about clams? did you try with them?

I had a tank in my terrace with sunlight (Buenos Aires 34º39`S) to prove that light in my town and there I have had 2 clams for a year and a half with good growth. my green one got the best color in winter.
The jury is still out on clams. A friend of mine took down his tank and I am holding a bunch of corals for him. He also had a crocea and a derasa clam which we placed in the brightest tank. So far they are doing well, but it's pretty bright this time of year. Hopefully they will continue to do will in the winter.