50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Some new shots, still a little brown on some of the acro's but I'm hoping they brighten up soon! Bit of alk being added to bring things up again so hopefully not long.



Just some SPS:

Just a little morning FTS:

New stones have settled in and things are starting to move to the next gear so happy days! I'm going to add a little more sand to the tank to complete the coverage and bulk it up a little but everything is going well :)

The new male red mandarin is getting the hang of food (LOVES the lobster eggs!) and hopefully won't be long before he's onto the pellets, he's in confinement in the little box of glory lol
This is what happens when you try and take top down shots with a bellus angel who just wants attention:

Easily some of my new favourite acro's:
Pastel baby blue:


Another shot of the new friend :)

Clam is still doing really well since moving back into the tank :D

And just some nice colours, no change since the last photo haha
Well done on getting that A. robusta coloured up. Tough one to colour up. :beer:

It's only been in the tank a few weeks but hasn't lost any colour so I'm hoping that trend continues, it also has prime acro location so hopefully that means that colours get better!
I love the colour if it's polyps though, translucent fluoro green :)
Well, few weeks and not having lost colour are good signs buddy. :beer: I wouldnt even try one of these in my tank...I know it'd brown out within a week. :D
Is it a new wild piece or have you had it in other systems for a good amount of time? They are tough to keep color on.
great looking reef!
one quick question, where did you get the acclimation box? been trying to find one just like that!
Well, few weeks and not having lost colour are good signs buddy. :beer: I wouldnt even try one of these in my tank...I know it'd brown out within a week. :D
I'm hoping so! It would be awesome if I could keep it coloured, especially if I can get it's pink tips back too! It was the least best coloured one at my lfs but it had the best growth shape and form and works perfectly in it's spot so that was the one I got :) I highly doubt it would brown in your tank!! lol You need to update yours too ;)

Is it a new wild piece or have you had it in other systems for a good amount of time? They are tough to keep color on.
Newish wild piece, had it a few weeks but it hasn't lost or gained any colour so I'm not complaining. I just hope it starts to colour up in a few weeks (it's going to take that long).

great looking reef!
one quick question, where did you get the acclimation box? been trying to find one just like that!
Thanks mate :)
It's just a cheapy Chinese one that my lfs stocks (Here in Aus though lol), super handy though and it works a treat! Floats as well so even if the suction cups fail it's still going to float around and plenty of holes for flow :)
In my experience the abros and similar pieces will hold color for a number of weeks and slowly loose it to become a dull version. I have not yet found a wild one that grows well or keeps good colors. I hope you get it to grow well like the few people here have done. When growing they are probably my favorite acropora.
In my experience the abros and similar pieces will hold color for a number of weeks and slowly loose it to become a dull version. I have not yet found a wild one that grows well or keeps good colors. I hope you get it to grow well like the few people here have done. When growing they are probably my favorite acropora.

Hopefully I can keep the colour on it up and eventually improve it! I'll keep taking photo's so I can see exactly what changes it goes through over the coming weeks :)
Just some more lovely shots to spam my thread haha
My crazy milli that is doing all kinds of colour thangs lol

My glory of all acro's is starting to get it's colour back :) Green is coming through, just waiting on the red and orange now

The rainbow monti that did absolutely nothing and went completely green for a year is FINALLY starting to come back!!

Robusta that hasn't lost any colour after a few weeks!

Both similar in colour but the first is a much darker more awesome base colour that browned out on me due to alk but are coming back!

Now onto my other favourites, the mighty zoanthidae :)
I think that the garden is coming along in leaps and bounds and my collection is slowly growing :)

These golds are kickass as anything!! :)

I suppose I'm updating for my own prosperity here lol enjoy some more shots though.

I bought this piece of acro under the guidance of a much more knowledgeable reefer than I as he said it was going to become a stunner and I'm starting to see why, this little one is going to be a killer piece when it's coloured up completely!
Here's when I bought it, the left middle piece:

And now that we're getting some colour:

After a while now my robusta is still holding strong colour so I'm hoping this is a good sign! :)

One random piece with the blue really starting to come through now

My crazy *** milli under some daylights, this thing is gorgeous!

And finally a new friend that has been in the tank a while now and still looking strong and happy!
