500g Display 1200g system almost ready for fish.


New member
Well, I never posted the build in the large tank forum, but I figured I'd get some input from some of you who have similar sized systems/tanks.

Here is what I have...

1 500g display 90x44x30 Envisions Acrylic tank with custom stand.


4 400w MH 12k bulbs on 2x Dual 400w HQI Ballasts

draining into a 100g refugium and 150g sump.... tied to my existing system (ball valves for the tie together closed until the 500g is cycled)

Existing system is a 125 flat back hex custom made by tenecor draining into a 100g sump with 70g of refugium and 120g of tanks in a seaclear system that hold 5 tanks all under T5 and MH bulbs depending on contents. About 280' of PVC holding id guess around 50-100g as well as 2 20g QT tanks.

Running an 800g rated lifereef skimmer and a 700g GEO skimmer, GEO Media reactor, and soon to be added GEO Calcium Reactor.

Controlled With AQ3 by Neptune systems all to be backed up with 16k LP whole house generator (to be installed in next 30 days)

I did all the plumbing with myself with advise from the local CORA club members and a good deal of questions being answered by Seradar from Phishy Business.

I have been curing and cycling for about the last 3-4 weeks and should be able to add fish/corals in the next week or so.

I am looking for some suggestions as for some really unique corals and fish that will school and that are not so common.

As you can imagine with a system like this I really dont want to just have the usual fish that every one has. So.... Let me have it. What would you put in it?
Those are awesome but they limit me on inverts.... their diet is mostly inverts and clam...

I really want to be able to have some shrimp and other inverts in the reef as well.
Shots from tonight....

Side of tank

angled shot with no flash...

100g fuge supporting the 500g

fishroom pic 1

fishroom pic 2

and last but not least my clowns waiting for good water quality... they are currently in a holding tank connected to my 125 display

What do you think?
Looks really nice!!!

Is that a thermostat right next to the back of the tank? Is the heat coming out of the tank going to effect that?

The fish room is 12x12 and yes there is a lot going on in there... I have 2 systems feeding into that room. With 625 gallons upstairs there is about the same in that room.

Yes there is a thermostat right next to the tank... I was wondering the same thing but since the Canopy is so high and with a large ceiling fan I am hoping that wont be an issue.

If it is I will have no choice but to relocate the Thermostat.
Thanks Norm, I saw this really nice tank once up in Lewis Center and I thought... hmmm I want a big tank... lets see what I can do.

I look forward to actually putting life in the tank.

Nitrites are still 3.0 today so I am waiting longer.
That is going to be a fantastic display!

Your fish room is, amazing!

Are you going to keep the two existing displays on line as well?
There are two total displays.... the 500g is one and it is now online... the 125 is the other that has been online since 12/05. I plan on keeping the 125 online as well and actually intend on tieing the two systems together to increase the water volume and stability of both systems.

I started putting fish in yesterday. Currently I have 4 chromis and a little watchman gobie in there along with a few snails and about 75 hermits.

The one wall that isnt a viewing wall is going to be covered with xenia as soon as i can get that to happen. (I think I will wait another week before I put corals in though).

I'm really excited.... can't wait ti start placing corals on all the rock scapes.
I have now added a small Sinulara, Some Pulsing Xenia, Green Star Polyps, and a large leather.... All seem to be doing well.

I have also added in a couple of 4x4 gobies. The tank is really starting to come together.

Should have more pics soon.
Looking great uzartyn... the tank sounds like it is going to be great, but without more pictures we are just speculating *hint* :)

Don't even get me started about how jealous I am of your fish room :D. That looks like something out of an LFS, or a marine lab somewhere. Maybe more detailed pictures with explanations of each piece would be nice, when you get the time :)
When I get home today the lights will be on and I will take more photos. I am thinking of putting another one of the rack type systems in (like at a LFS) for more grow out room.

I cant wait to get it all filled in.

Last night I eliminated all my extra pumps... replumbed a few things so that both my skimmers, the rack you see in the fish room, and my fuges are all either gravity fed from the displays or bleed off from the Hammerheads I have in the basement.

I will have 4 decent sized pumps posted for sale once I get them all cleaned up.

I will get some good shots of everything tonight.
Some pics I took today....

Sorry for all the blue. If you know what I can do to eliminate some of it in the pictures please let me know...

I don't see the blue until I take the picture.




All the other shots were so blue it looked bad so I don't want to post them.
looks like your white balance is set wrong. Either set it to auto, or set it to outside light (I think is what you want). Play around with your white balance and see if that doesn't take care of the blue :)