541G build

hopefully I will get my camera back soon so I can take some better pics.






Wow, great looking tank! For those of us that fantisize about building a system that big, thank you :).
Wow, great looking tank! For those of us that fantisize about building a system that big, thank you :).
i have a question how did you manage to get the achilles tang and sohal in the same tank? along with the blonde naso. I have a sohal, sailfin, yellow belly, naso, and a hybrid PBT. When i upgrade my 210 i would like to add an achilles, blonde nase, and some blue hips.
The sohal and naso had been in the tank for a while and then I added the achilles along with 3 other tangs. I had no issues but there is also a ton of swimming/hiding space for them.
I may have missed it but did you do anything to strengthen your floor for the weight? I have a very similar tank I'm building right now and i'm worried about the weight on the slab. Sweet tank by the way!
alright so its been a while....I think we are thinking about next steps for the tank. We would like to move it to "in-wall"

this is just what I am thinking so far but if the tanks (a 210) are this close I can't decide if I should tie it all into one system or keep them separate??? one will be a 210G FOWLR and of course the 541 reef?? any help would be awesome!

to scale:

I took pictures while the house was being built so here is where the tank is currently (rough drawing :) ) and the study is at the back of the picture. Not sure how to tell if its a load bearing wall or not :confused:

I have been looking and planning a big tank like this for about a week now. I currently have a 265g room divider with a 150 gallon sump. I have been considering the 610g that glasscages offers but after looking t yours and the 500. The 610 seem like a lot harder to manage getting into the house and all

The problem is that I want closed loops on the bottom like yours has and my current 265g has.

Glass Cages is saying they wont build it and I quote:

"All the holes that are inside the overflows will be thru the bottom of the tank. However, it is not a good idea to put more holes thru the bottom of the tank, and we decline to build it that way.
Honestly, when we tell you it's not "good" or "safe" to do something, we tell you that for a reason. "

So my questiong to you is did you drill the whole yourself or order them that way?

Thanks in advance and the tank looks wonderful.
I bought a 300 from glass cages and was told the same thing. Later I ran a pipe inside my tank for flow from the bottom. I attached it off one of my ports from my OM4. I lost a little pressure but it still worked.
I just got a reeflo orca 250 that I am really wanting to feed with my overflow but when I feed it from the overflow the water level always goes up and down by about 1.5" in the neck every few seconds. Is there anyone that is using a gravity feed skimmer? How do you get the level constant? TIA!